
Responses from kennyc

+1 more to hire a technician, get the cartridge setup correctly.    
I Cried Today
@bigkidz thanks for posting your heartwarming experience. When people pass away, I’m reminded to examine my life - I’m hoping to be ready with no regrets of not trying.  I also try to practice Gratitude - that I’m blessed that they were in my lif... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
Memories: I remember installing an equalizer in my car adjusted to a “M” setting.  I also recall my friends home equalizer which had me staring mesmerized by light bar indicators moving up and down to the music.  Hmmm, never thought of searching f... 
Cardas Clear Beyond XL PC vs The Rest
@jeffreyw  The AQ Dragon is my top choice, but I’m not sure if I can financially afford swapping out all my PCs.  So I’m considering lower cost alternatives.  Used AQ PCs are a possibility, but am weary of fake clones. Good to know Firebird not w... 
Should I graduate to floor standers or will larger bookshelves suffice?
@larsman @kennyc - What are MSB 120 and 126? The only MSB I'm familiar with makes very high-end DACs and amps, not speakers Whoops, I meant MBL here .   
New Stereo Times review on CODA CSiB Integrated Amplifier
Anyone know if the Coda csib is a good match for Harbeth, particularly the M30.2 XD?  I know Hegel is a good match.  
"The Ultra High-End Speaker."
...Ultra High-End Speaker... I don't put labels on performance and or price levels.  Rather, I demo to find the sound I like, then try to reproduce it within my budget.    
Have you found your "End-Game" speakers yet? I have. And it feels so good!!!
....and you sort of settle into whatever sonic signature you love.  You mean the upgraditus ends?  That's good new for my wallet :)  
Feickert Volare + Shick 9 + Hana Umami Red
+ @tablejockey Congrats on a solid upgrade. Keep us posted - good news is always welcome  
Electronics for Harbeths -- $5-10K
kennyc: Your last suggestion, on its face, is a logical approach. But you’ve got to understand that I’m not gonna buy a $10,000+ component unless I’m convinced that I’m likely to keep it for a very long time -- not just as a "tryout."  I was su... 
Have you found your "End-Game" speakers yet? I have. And it feels so good!!!
My Volti Rival 100db speaker is my flea watt end-game speaker.  Jury is still out for my Vimberg Mino D or upgrade to Magico  
Cats chasing laser pointers
I look at it objectively. We come in this world with nothing and leave the same way. There are very few things we “Need” food, water, shelter, clothing. Mostly everything else is a “want”. We spend our discretionary (want) money many ways. Some ... 
Googled “qsa fuse burn in time” yielded “Your QSA fuse will take between 24 and 250 hours to burn in with the majority of the settling occurring in the first 72 hours.” from here.  
Cardas Clear Beyond XL PC vs The Rest
What drove you to Cardas PCs? I too have been looking for PC upgrades and have not seen any Cardas PC reviews. My list of PCs I’m interested in up to ~$5k 2.0 Siltech Classic Legend 880P 2.5 ZenWave PSR-14,11. 2.5 RSX Beyond 3.2 VooDo... 
Endgame Vocal+ DAC Help: Terminator Plus 12th vs. Chord DAVE vs. Holo May vs. Weiss502.
OP I purchased this as my endgame DAC. After very intensive search for an endgame DAC which I can afford, I believe it’s a sonic bargain competing with the very best. However, it’s rather pricy compared to the rest of your audio chain. You might b...