
Responses from kennyc

Revopod vs IsoAcoustics Gaia 1's
I believe IsoAcoustics Gaia is a top choice, but Townsend is better- maybe the best- that’s what I intend to purchase   
Has buying and/or selling audio gear changed?
I try not to be dishonest for monetary gain or to avoid monetary loss.    
Nowhere to hear speakers and amps anymore!
retail stores where I could hear and compare equipment You can attend audio shows. I've attended RMAF, T.H.E. Show, Pacific Audio Fest, and AXPONA where I auditioned then purchased demoed speakers.    
Are you on or off? What say you?
Off- If it’s pointless merry-go-round  On- if I’m open to possible future well thought of upgrades  
I am looking to upgrade - looking for advice
@tjraubacher  It’s difficult to make suggestions without a budget and your future plans for upgrading.  Separate preamp and amp offers upgrade flexibility, but an integrated offers better value - saving $ on casework and additional cable.    
Martin Logan vs. Everything
If the OP loves his ML, that’s fantastic. Easier on his wallet.  
Help me spend $100,000 on a new system
@skyscraper  I optimized my analog chain - VPI Avenger, VDH Grail SB (a used sonic bargain), Kuzma 4point (great price/performace, many rave reviews), Schroeder CB-L, and a few top carts.  But trying to get digital to a high level seemed financia... 
Help me spend $100,000 on a new system
@skyscraper  Guess I’ll touch on cables as researching that can be very daunting.   For interconnects, I choose Siltech Classic mostly from this review here where the reviewer seem surprised at how good they sounded and that they were extremely t... 
Help me spend $100,000 on a new system
Not to mention when I carried my heavy Luxman amp and Magico A3’s up a flight of stairs to my listening room a couple years ago it was a near death experience. @skyscraper  With spinal generation my heavy lifting days are over. I’m now fightin... 
Do people tire of audio forums?
It’s a hobby, not a commitment. People come and go as they please. Most on this forum are knowledgeable and helpful, but yes there are some who seem to be touchy, argumentative, narrow minded (their truth is universal), and directly angered at sp... 
Big speakers, are they really the best way to get great sound?
I listen to orchestra music.  If my room was small I’d have to adjust speaker size, but my room is not small so I’m using full range speakers.  I’ll likely purchase articulate subwoofers to extend the bottom end and fill in the lower audio spectru... 
"Diminishing Returns"
, I just don’t have a desire to spend more Glad you reached a level of contentment, much easier on the mind and pocketbook. I just saw a review for the Hegel H600 which also has an updated DAC card.  If you someday get the itch then perhaps a ... 
???Modern Speakers???Life Expectancy???
Yes- we expect your speakers to last with no problems  No- I haven’t heard nor seen any speaker longevity products and/or tweaks. People usually replace the speaker, a few repair them. Wishing you the very best for your health- hope it turns for... 
Anyone else order Caladans from Clayton Shaw?
Having a receipt after a significant cc charge should be expected, not sure if email confirmation is the same. Glad it worked out Long lead times were common from Covid supply chain problems. Many manufacturers were affected. Long lead times. Pro... 
Dealers with excellent listening rooms?
Seems mostly like east coast suggestions. Bummer, I’m on the west coast. I’ve demoed brick and mortar shops in the SF Bay Area, the LA area, and at several audio shows.  I have also been to the Magico factory demo.  I’m curious if I’ve missed anyt...