
Responses from kennyc

System advice
Whoops, forgot to post link: @ghdprentice  When trying to climb the DAC ladder on my limited budget, I was so blessed... 
Solved my streaming grunge (inner detail) problem
Interesting about mesh. Glad you found a solution.  Thanks for sharing  
System advice
+1 @soix great suggestions. Both Hegel and Joseph Audio have plenty of very positive reviews  This used Aesthetix Mimas is a fantastic buy. Aesthetix are known for a fantastic preamp and the DAC card got great reviews.  If you don’t need the phon... 
please help an audiophile's widow
Looks like a tweeter from the Paradigm S8 which came in 3 model upgrades, v3 was the better tweeter.  
Speakers 10 years old or older that can compete with todays best,
Too many to name including most panel and Omni speakers.  However, speaker sonics are progressing at the various price points.  
Stromtank S2500 mk II
Apologies if my non-user opinion is not invited, but my findings and opinion may be useful.   I've researched clean AC power a few years ago. I've come to the conclusion that battery power is the quietist source of AC power and that Stromtank was... 
Need some help picking my first MC Cartridge
@pooch2 congratulations on your 2 sonic uptick carts. Pretty cool that you both moved up to the top of the product line AND picked a Hana product whose numerous reviews report sonic performance that punches significantly above their price points. ... 
At what price is one considered an Audiophile.
At what price is one considered an Audiophile? Our sanity when we open our wallets. But the payout is good for our souls  
pricing Classe SSP 25 (Esoteric DV50S)
@ladycharnet , perhaps portable audio like through a computer, smartphone, or DAP (digital audio player) coupled with some earphones/earpods/headphones may be appealing to continue your high-end audio journey. Reviews in Headfonics and Headfonia m... 
+1 it depends on your unique situation.  Some chains sound better with a preamp, other without. It’s not easily predictable, best to try in your own audio chain.  
Maybe you can stretch to a Lampizator Baltic 4 which the designer believes is a sonic bargain. There’s a used Baltic 3/4 here which is a Baltic 3 upgraded to 4. The used price seems high so maybe a lower offer? Hard to go wrong with the Holo May ... 
What sonic qualities connects to you deeply and emotionally?
The sonic highs of a violin, bells, or a beautiful female voice  
New Speaker advice
+mostly everyone- listen for yourself  Otherwise, I’m a huge fan of speaker guru Andrew Jones. His MoFi Sourcepoint 10 was the result of larger budget and iirc 3yrs of creation.  I’ve heard the Sourcepoint 10 on several occasions and it sounded g... 
Real or Surreal. Do you throw accuracy out the window for "better" sound?
I don’t go to many live performances so I don’t compare, so I’m in the camp “as you like it”.  I’m fairly new to the hobby so am trying out a variety of sounds on 2 systems: a neutral linear revealing system and a flea watt system for tubes.  Cart... 
Class D amplifiers. What's the future look like?
+1 @soix