
Responses from kennyc

Bookshelf Speakers for office ~$500
Klipsch Reference Premiere RP-600M On sale here used KEF LS50  
Fleetwood Deville vs Wilson Sound
OP- fantastic that you demoed for yourself- much better to understand sonic differences than mere words can convey.  I too am a Magico fan- the S3 (2023) sounds similar to the M2/M3 - one of these may be my end game target. I’ve listened to many W... 
Any normal size speakers that sound like Volti
When it comes to WAF, wives differ. Some are flexible, others very particular about the room furnishings. Maybe place 4 other small boxes into room then ask wife if ok.   
Best Used Speaker Under $4,000 w/ Respectable Lows
Used Monitor Audio Gold used GoldenEar Triton used Kef R7 Meta, R700, R900  
Why "bookshelf" sspeakers?
Lower costs, pointsource preference, nearfield listening vs less bass extension and energy.  Footprint is difference so small it’s usually immaterial   
Recommend a non-polite sounding amp / integrated
Amp: Odyssey Khartago or Stratos  Integrated: used Cambridge Audio Edge A  
What is proper ratio of money spent on amp/preamp/integrated vs speakers? 1:1?
IIRC Robert Harley’s book “The Complete Guide to High-End Audio” has a suggested % allocation. BUT, it is only a very loose guide maybe more useful for a rough idea in a new audio chain.  Normally, one looks at their audio chain a then address the... 
Denafrips Terminator or Kitsune Hifi May-KTE would be good upgrade choices. Stretch some more for the Lampizator Baltic 4 (tube, can tube roll for taste) or T+A DAC200, both which sonically punches above their price points. Other choices are Wire... 
Soundbars for guest house
What would you do?
+1 tube preamp Another option is to insert the Modwright Analog Bridge here    
Does it bother you when you see inflated MSRP’s for used gear on AG?
No - it’s expected nowadays to be very careful as it seems many would bend(?) the truth for financial gain.  Sure it seems like honor, honesty, and keeping one’s word are going downhill, but I try not to get bogged down in “wishful” thinking like ... 
Musical subwoofer under $2000
Rythmik has a good subwoofer reputation and are affordable here  
A great interconnect between Soulution 751 and 725
+1 @maxwave  The quality and transparency of the Soulution components are one of the best in high-end audio so that lower quality cables would bottleneck its performance. I suggest starting at least to the level of Siltech Classic Legend level - ... 
Table,cartridge,phono...where to put most of my money?
Maybe a MoFi Ultradeck, better if bundled with the Master Tracker cartridge or better.  Great reviews.  
Better desktop DAC
Maybe check Headphonia here or Headphonics here