

Responses from kehut

Headphone amps
I second the LD2+..I was amazed at the sonics of this little tube wonder. I use Senn 650's. Sounds glorious. You wont be dissapointed IMO.Ken 
I just ordered this Little Dot2+ HP amp. Many seem to like the sound with various phones.Price is very good also.www.little-tube.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=9&PN=1http://www.little-tube.com/forum/forum_topics.asp?FID=3http://cgi.ebay.com/Lit... 
6SN7 & 6CA4 Tube Recommendations for Cary AE-3 DJH
Excellent post guys.Tube540... In my AE-3 DJH that I recently purchased, Im using RCA 6SN7 GT VT231 Gray glass. Audio Art Ic-3 IC's into a Pass Aleph 3. PC's on both are Oyaide Tunami Cryo GPX. I have not experimented as yet with any other 6SN7's.... 
Pre amp for Pass Aleph 3
Thanks all. I paired the Aleph 3 with a EA-3 DJH with some RCA 6SN7GT/231 Gray Glass tubes..Very smooth sound. 
Usher CP-6381
Audio Art SC-5 Bi-wire and the IC-3 with Eichmanns 
A question regarding "tubes"
Agree totally with youz guyz..especially re: the BAT...not BAT knocking here, but less than happy would be a good sumation. Great mids..deep bass..but always seemed to roll off the upper mids/high no matter which tubes graced the equip.Matching ( ... 
Usher CP-6381
Jack,Congrats. I think you'll like the Ushers. Play with the speaker positions and seat/rear wall distance if you can.The speakers are pretty heavy, but will slide well on carpet on their iron bases. Then mount your spikes at the end. I found that... 
Pre amp for Pass Aleph 3
Thanks guys...Ad010685, which passives specifically? 
Usher CP-6381
Jack,Still have the 71's..both the 71 and 81 are similar in their sound..the 81's can bass punch a bit better IMO. I used a range of amps from a 250W Plinius SA-250 down to the Manley Stingray at 40W..both will drive the 81's without a sweat.You h... 
Hail to Mcintosh
Rhyno,Excellent! I think your post also nailed this..Ken 
Hail to Mcintosh
Yes..Me too. I am the quintessential prodigal son who returned home to vintage McIntosh after wandering 25years in the audio desert. Now at age 49.. I grew up in a home rich with McIntosh gear.( C-8,C-11,C-22,C-28//MC-60/MC2105..My Dad had them al... 
VPI Aries 1 upgrades?
The upgrade im speaking of.... IS.... the Aries 2 platter/bearing.Thats the combo you want.The Aries 2/ Scoutmaster is the same platter/bearing and is not the actual HRX combo..but is similar and based on the HRX...Hope this clears up any misunder... 
VPI Aries 1 upgrades?
Ebalog,Yes, the all acrylic platter. The Aries 2 bearing is the inverted type and based on the HRX design. I believe the new HRX platter/bearing is different as well.Believe me, you will hear the difference with the Aries 2 acrylic platter and bea... 
VPI Aries 1 upgrades?
I'll add my 2cents as a former Aries/JMW 10 owner who upgraded to the Aries 2 platter and bearing. HUGE difference for the better. I did not go with the periphery ring..so cant comment on its use.You will gain everything your looking for with this... 
"Best" audio rack for under $500.00?
Try this....www.racksandstands.com/VTI-C108T1.html