

Responses from kalali

Schiit Reference Sytem review: Freya into Yggdrasil, into Vidar
"cheaper than the sales tax on many power cables"Really? $50K power cable? I get the joke. 
looking for the best cd transport only, without dac
To the folks saying a transport makes no difference, here's another   Mark Levinson player for your consideration:https://www.audiogon.com/listings/transports-rare-beast-top-loading-and-motorized-2017-10-13-digital 
$3000 Speaker Search
In threads like this, everyone will inevitably recommend their favorite brand of speaker(s), and in many cases, with no considerations for the placement challenges or the gear. The MMG suggestion is a perfect example. I said this before, you can g... 
Upgrading form Pass integrated amplifier to a better one
People are trying to help you by sharing their experiences with products/models that you might not have heard. If you're set on a particular brand/model, then start a new thread with Gryphon 300 in the title. All that said, FWIW, I thought the Heg... 
Help w/ Martin Logan setup!
Given your primary usecase, the Parasound A51 is a good recommendation. I use my Martin Logans only for stereo music and drive them with a pair of older McIntosh 200 wpc amplifiers. I think McIntosh has a multichannel amp in their current lineup t... 
Speaker Placement - When it's perfect!
There are less esthetically pleasing but more effective methods for managing the unwanted bass frequencies. How about planting a round corner bass trap in a pot? You never know,  you may have a taller bass trap if you give it enough Miracle Grow...😄 
$1000-$2000 Floor-standing speakers for larger room w/NAD 326bee
In that price range I really liked the Vandersteen 1Ci. Leaves enough money for a pair of good cables. 
$3000 Speaker Search
Your current system is very good. If it were me, I would first play with some room treatment, especially the corner and behind the speakers and see if you can "warm up" the tone a bit. Your main challenge is the lack of symmetry between the two sp... 
Questions from a Tube Preamp newbie
I'm a tube newbie like you and it looks like you're getting great recommendations specific to your preamp. When I got the tube rolling itch, I contacted Aric at Aric Audio directly and he recommended a specific set of tube brands and models; recti... 
Biwire Cables for Vandersteen 2CE Signatures
It does make an audible difference for sure. Without the bi-wiring, to my ears the same content, particularly the mids, sounded more forward and noticeably disjointed from the rest of the music. As soon as I removed the jumpers and plugged the sec... 
Biwire Cables for Vandersteen 2CE Signatures
Thanks for the explanation. I missed the tidbit about the (negative) interaction between the LF and HF pairs if they live within the same sheath. I expected good quality cables have adequate insulation to avoid that sort of "cross-talk". That said... 
Biwire Cables for Vandersteen 2CE Signatures
Side question. I see the terms true and external bi-wire and not sure what they really mean. If the amplifier has only one pair of output port per channel the wires pair(s), inside the sheath or outside, need to be twisted and single terminated on... 
Dan D’Agostino and ARC Ref. 10
Don’t mean to go on a tangent here but george, you’re obviously a fan of Schiit products and while the Schiit Sys may be worth the $49 price, it really doesn’t fit in a system of even moderate caliber. I have one in my bedroom system and can only ... 
Pass Labs X260.8 owners please check in ....
Never heard about Audiaflight Stremento #4 MK 2 or the brand but 7500 ohm is the lowest input impedance I've seen yet for an amplifier. Makes the preamp or cable matching a bit challenging. But it sure looks like a power house. 
Switching to solid state amp?
"My speakers sound great with my current 20 watt amps."In that case, you may want to consider one of the First Watt or Pass Labs offerings, or maybe a Luxman  and save a good portion of your budget for future upgrades, e.g., cables, room acoustics...