

Responses from kalali

Upgrading speaker cables...
All other things being equal, the longer the cables the more important the quality/gauge. I wouldn't sweat too much for 6' cables. Any good 12awg copper cable should suffice.  
SW1X Audio Design DAC II Absolute Top Tier Ref NOS DAC
Great write up. Was the price not mentioned or I missed it?  
Norah Jones - Tidal vs. Hi Res ?
erik, I thought you were expecting an objective response not a subjective opinion thus my questions. This thread is otherwise pointless.   
Norah Jones - Tidal vs. Hi Res ?
erik, a couple of quick questions just out of curiosity: did you compare the MQA’d version of the track in Tidal, and how did you play the file for this (same) track, e.g., USB from computer, server via Ethernet connection, etc.? To be more object... 
Pass Labs Power amps choices
I’ve only heard the older Pass X250 and I didn’t think it was anything special. It sounded just like any other high powered SS amp even a little bright at higher volumes. It sounded reasonably decent with a tube preamp sitting in front of it but s... 
Norah Jones - Tidal vs. Hi Res ?
Its not (MQA) propaganda...accuracy of release date(s) notwithstanding, they are delivered at higher bit rates and sound much better than the non-MQA versions.  
Nothing, just keep it away from moisture. 
What is your favorite system for an Office or a Secondary System
A rich man’s second system is a poor man’s first...I suggested Creek Evolution 50a paired with Wharfsdale monitors to a friend for his son’s room and it turned out to be an excellent sounding package.  
Would you change your amp selection knowing...?
The point about ESL speakers and the significant capacitive load, as compared to the load from the cable, they present to the amplifiers has been mentioned twice and I see no explanation as why amplifiers seem to be able to suck that (load) up wit... 
Chinese products
The general issue with the lower end Chinese audio gear is not necessarily their sound quality. The main problem is the inconsistency in the build quality. Its hit or miss. If you get a "good" unit, it could last a long time and continue to sound ... 
Speakers "Disappearing"
All things equal, the electronics also make a big difference. Same speakers, music/source, room, cables, and now throw in a good class A SET tube amplifier in the mix and the speakers will just melt in the room. A good tube preamp will also paint ... 
Inexpensive Tube Amps
OP, the three components you had listed, it looks like the first and the third one are the same amplifier just rebranded. If it were me, I'd go with the one of those two since they seem to have less moving parts to go wrong. By the way, I also bou... 
Magnepan 3.7i Amplifiers Aesthetix or Modwright? Thoughts?
I have not heard those particular Mac models but the Bryston 7B series monoblocks would be good options. I wouldn't consider them an upgrade per se but more of a lateral move with a different sound signature, e.g., tighter bass, more balanced and ... 
Inexpensive Tube Amps
The OP's listed options implies a budget of <$300 but those particular models are not suitable for the target speakers. If you insist on that budget, you're better off looking for a hybrid model with 25-35wpc power and return it if you don't li... 
Questions from a noob on digital streaming
Follow willemj’s suggestion and invest $35 and get yourself a Chromecast Audio and spend another $30 ( or more if you want) and buy an optical cable - mini to regular size, and plug it to your DACmagic and you’re done. Sit back and stream Tidal at...