

Responses from kalali

Cryongenically treated in-wall AC power wire
gapperis123, the use of power conditioner, particularly for (very) high current amplifiers, is a subject that deserves a separate thread since there are many opinions and no final (objective) conclusion. There’s also another discussion around diff... 
Missing the Old Days
If you want the full experience, I think you should get rid off that A21/P5 combo and get yourself a kick a--receiver, something like a Pioneer SX-1280, and enjoy the ride. I have a one owner (me) SX-980 model in the original box sitting in a clos... 
NOS DAC Warmth
Steve, $13K and only 6 lbs.? That’s more than $2K per pound....!!!Just joking as I’m sure it’s worth every ounce....I wish I could afford to have my cake and eat it too. 
Oppo Ceasing production
stereo5, your story is very telling of the state of the affairs in the 2-channel home audio interest. I’m about your age and with the exception of a handful of remaining friends from college, I don’t know of anyone else, at any age, who actually o... 
Switch preamp?
notesaddict,Congratulation, looks like you went all out and didn’t make any compromise in your selections. Aside from the power cords for those beasts, you should also consider dedicated 20amp circuits so their feeding is not shared with other par... 
Bluesound Node 2 - Next level up
For that sort of budget, I think you’re better off dividing it between a streamer and an outboard DAC with most of it on the DAC. I can tell you first hand that the sound quality out of a Node2 fed through a Schiit Modi Multibit is very good. I al... 
Should I eliminate my preamp?
This appears to be a perennial question and is asked on a regular basis. Lots of threads with great discussions but no conclusive answer. It boils down to taste. For me, For the types of music I listen, I love the "color/distortion" that a tube pr... 
max length of toslink or coaxial digital cable without signal degradation?
Its true that optical fiber is better for long distance signal transmission but that requires the use of high quality glass fiber - as opposed to plastic, which means a more expensive cable. Also watch for the bending radius.    
Borderpatrol Dac SE
I've heard it in a friend's system and assuming yours is working as it should, its one of the best sounding DACs I've heard. It does have a more rounded sound compared to my Schiit Modi Multibit but everything about our systems is different so tha... 
Tube Preamps.....
With the Adcom amp, I think you’ll enjoy the tube preamps that lean more on the "tubey" side of neutral. I have an Adcom GFA-555 that has been paired with my GFP-750 for many years and I recently bought an Aric Audio all-tube preamp for another sy... 
Tube Preamps.....
I think you'll find your options very limited if you want a tube pre with a built in DAC. You need to decide how you want to allocate your $3K between the two components and then search for threads which discuss these pieces individually. Lots of ... 
Tube and SS pairs
Regarding the previous post, all that experiment demonstrated was the SS preamp had a better quality than the built-in pre I the integrated. Nothing more. Try that same experiment and insert an ARC Ref 6, for example, instead of that SS pre and th... 
Inexpensive Tube Amps
In that price range, I would look for a lghtly used Sophia Electric Baby push-pull integrated, rated at 10wpc and runs in class A. Sounds glorious driving my back-horn loaded single driver speakers.  
Incoming ... Joseph Audio Pulsars
Congratulations on your excellent acquisition. Curious to know what amp/preamp you’re using to drive them.  I never forget the huge sound I heard coming out of these speakers paired with an Ayre AX-5 Twenty. Probably one of the best monitor size s... 
McIntosh vs. Vincent
I can’t comment on those two specific models so take this for whatever it’s worth. I have a McIntosh MC2200 and a Vincent SP-331 and I move them around between the two systems and I find their sound signature to be very different, even in the same...