
Responses from jwglista

Denon DL-103 -- Was it a mistake?
Goatwuss:I've been playing around with that idea as well, but that's a whole other thing to deal with. I actually used the DL-103 case to send the Virtuoso, so I wouldn't really be able to safely ship the DL-103 if I sold it. What was your setup l... 
Denon DL-103 -- Was it a mistake?
Just because something is "widely admired" doesn't mean that 100% of the people that hear it will enjoy its sound, even if it is being heard on a "properly setup" system. I don't understand why you keep ignoring the fact that I explicitly pointed ... 
Rega P3-24 and Exact 2.....Enjoying the music
I really do enjoy almost everything about the Paradigms, except for the aluminum tweeters. They can sometimes sound a bit aggressive and shrill. In most cases this is only with poorly made albums. Everything else sounds fantastic. They have a very... 
Denon DL-103 -- Was it a mistake?
Rnm4:I mean this in the least sarcastic way possible: are you a moderator of this forum? If not, then I really don't see where you get off trying to dictate what can and can't be posted in my thread. All of the comments made in it by others have b... 
Denon DL-103 -- Was it a mistake?
Audiofeil:Lol you keep going back to that Virtuoso incident. That was simply due to a bent cantilever, which caused me to send it in for repair, which has ultimately put me in this situation using the DL-103 as a temporary replacement.Either way, ... 
Denon DL-103 -- Was it a mistake?
Rnm4: Apparently you missed the second half of that post which explicitly notes the fact that my assessment may not be fair due to an improperly matched tone arm. I don't really need you to reiterate that in a forceful and negative way. Thank you. 
Denon DL-103 -- Was it a mistake?
Well I've given this cart 50+ hours of time to settle in, and yes, it has become less aggressive and harsh in the treble, but it still sounds too harsh to me at times. It sounds great on some albums, but is very unforgiving on others. I will have ... 
Rega P3-24 and Exact 2.....Enjoying the music
Good to hear you're enjoying your vinyl. I took the vinyl plunge about a year ago when I bought a Music Hall mmf-5.1 with Goldring 1012 cartridge. I really loved the way it sounded, but a month ago I decided to upgrade to a used Clearaudio Emotion... 
Stylus tracking weight guage
I bought one from a member here on Agon who ships them from Singapore. If you don't mind waiting about 2 weeks for shipping, it's a great deal. It cost me $55 shipped, new. And it looks exactly like the $140 Acoustech digital gauge I saw. It seems... 
What is "rich mans" DL-103?
That's where I sent my Virtuoso to get repaired. Sent it out this past Saturday actually. Too bad there is a 10 week turnaround right now, but it should be worth the wait. I went for the level 2 upgrade as well. If I like the results, I may eventu... 
What is "rich mans" DL-103?
I have moments where I enjoy my DL-103 which I purchased as a replacement, but it definitely does not make me forget the Virtuoso that I sent in to have repaired. The level of delicacy and overall enjoyment that the Virtuoso provides is above and ... 
Denon DL-103 -- Was it a mistake?
The specs on the Cambridge Audio Azur 640p state that the MC input is loaded at 100 ohm, 220 mF. From some of the other threads I've read, increasing the loading can actually make the cart sound brighter. Unfortunately, the 640p doesn't have a use... 
Denon DL-103 -- Was it a mistake?
Audiofeil:That was never the conclusion. The cantilever on that cartridge was sold to me bent, which I believe was causing a lot of problems. And since I bought it used, the stylus may also be worn (I never looked at it under a microscope).As for ... 
Denon DL-103 -- Was it a mistake?
Yes I did receive the 640p. I plugged it in for the first time Wednesday afternoon and it has been turned on ever since.And it most definitely is a shame. After reading all the good things about the DL-103, I had very high hopes it would work for ... 
Denon DL-103 -- Was it a mistake?
Well here's an update. I've put about 21-22 hours on the cart so far, and it has settled down a bit, but the sound still isn't right. I took the advice of many and put some sticky tack at the head shell to increase the tonearm mass, and of course ...