

Responses from jw944ts

RIP oregonpapa
Silver v Copper wire phono cable
the choices, for me, will be FINEWIRE C37+cryo, OFC copper or Ag4N, in the Reed 2G Thank you to all interested members J  
Silver v Copper wire phono cable
@frogman welcome to the forum of opinions, bias, varied taste, measurements/no measurements...play at your own risk!  
Silver v Copper wire phono cable
@mijostyn here is a link you asked for, showing Oracle Delphi MkVI with Reed 2G, on Jacques Riendeau's personal table!!  
Silver v Copper wire phono cable
@dover , thx for that info…”should be more accurate”….not quite as important as sounds better  
Silver v Copper wire phono cable
@mijostyn thx for that detailed explanation  
Silver v Copper wire phono cable
cool; when my ancestors emmigrated from Eastern Europe in the late 1800s-early 1900s, quite a few settled in Mexico City....Im not sure if any still remain there, though...regardless, thanks again for your help!  
Silver v Copper wire phono cable
Thx for your kind help @rauliruegas  enjoy your holiday(presuming you are in the US) j  
Silver v Copper wire phono cable
Thx @rauliruegas ; my table requires 9.5”….not sure what EL means?  
Silver v Copper wire phono cable
@mijostyn I thank you....the AR was the first turntable I ever owned, the video is interesting...as I am no engineer, looking at photos does not hep me understand function...I owned an early Oracle for several decades, and now own the newest versi... 
Silver v Copper wire phono cable
@mijostyn ​​​​@rauliruegas …thank you for your thoughts….you both sound more knowledgeable than I regarding the Reed arms.  The 3P is not the one with the laser contraption, so I do not imagine it is massively larger than the 2G….may I ask  you to... 
Silver v Copper wire phono cable
REED 3P remains my first choice  
Dedicated 20 Amp Line for Audio
@millercarbon  Thanks for sharing the Fremer video...unlike some others here, I thoroughly enjoyed it....  
Wilson not delivering speakers as scheduled
I can relate; been waiting on a pair of REVEL Salon 2 sine June.....  
why do so many discussions turn contentious?
Due to the way this discussion has gone, I will now stop following it....I think it is clear from what is in here the answer(s) to the OP and the identities of those quilty....BYE!