

Responses from jw944ts

Buying used vs new speakers from a technology perspective
Not being one who frequented shops, shows or other audiophiles' homes, I continued to greatly enjoy my 3 decade old Von Schweikert VR4.5 silver, as I gradually upgraded other components in my system.  Recently  I gave them away and purchased a new... 
tonearm effective mass vs tracking force
Thank you @holmz   
Survey on Cost of Loudspeakers Supported On Townshend Seismic Isolation Podiums
I think your survey might lead you to the wrong conclusions…speaker isolation makes varying improvements depending on the flooring materials…also individuals who can afford expensive components also can afford expensive tweaks….  
Von schweikert out of business since Albert's passing?
I have had a pair of VR4.5s since new, over 30 years....not long ago I had a ???problem with one of the drivers, and, though difficult to get in contact with, Damon tried to be very helpful.....dont remember how I finally got in contact with him, ... 
McIntosh -- good for show, not for sound, says dealer
come on, guys...some of you object to specs/measurements, saying what is important is the sound.  Others of you object to individuals subjective opinion of sound when it doesnt agree with yours...it seems to me Mike has expressed HIS OPINION, and ... 
Quiz about adding dense mass to a vibration isolation application!
I have been interested in the logic and pains some go to to "isolate" components from vibration.  I will say at the start that I have NOT experimented, as that is not me.  HOWEVER, here is what troubles me.  IF vibrations are deleterious to certai... 
Heat in class A equipment
I had a Threshold 4000 amp(ClassA) for nearly 40 y...recapped once, never a single problem....only recapped as a precaution....Nelson Pass claims capacitor life much longer than many say....currently using Pass Labs X250.8...it does improve as it ... 
Silver v Copper wire phono cable
Well, I thank you all for the interesting discussion....I CHOSE to order, with no opportunity to audition, the FINEWIRE C37 Cryo Ag4N wire in the Reed 2G arm....hopefully it will turn out to be a good choice....  
Cable Re-termination
Changes in DAC Presentation - Need Advice
i cannot tell you what IS wrong, but can say with a lot of confidence that it is NOT a breakin issue....perhaps you would notice a gradual change in SQ, but certainoy not "flipflops"....  
To extend Ethernet to remote location, are Powerline extenders or Mesh systems better?
I use powerline extender with UpTone Audio EtherREGEN, works great!  The only problem with the powerline extender is they do add noise to my phono preamp, and I simply unplug them when playing LPs….  
spade material compatability
@williewonka , thankyou j  
Putting listening ability to rest - privately
having gotten to know what goes down on this forum more often than not, I imagine there will be mostly responses about what is WRONG with this idea/test, rather than simply accepting it for what it is....and there are those who will resist out of ... 
I found the instructions and implementation straight forward....  
Advice regarding streaming please.
yet another audio subject with a huge range of "opinions"....that, in itself, is interesting, dont you think?