

Responses from jw944ts

aftermarket fuse location
your responses and interest is appreciated, thank you.....AGAIN, I was looking for not theoretical but subjective observations as to which fuses seem to make greater/lesser change in sound..... 
though I have not had the inclination or opportunity to compare to very expensive streamers and DACS, I have found that upgrading the 2i with the PD-Creative and Sbooster, combined with the affordable Benchmark DAC 3B to be an affordable and pleas... 
IEC connector with fuse and switch
yes, it matters, from a practical perspective....as one needs take down connections and open up the chassis of devices to change fuses, it is nice to get it right the first time, as opposed to having to go back and forth a few times, to be certain... 
Bad recordings and high end audio
@mikekollar, "Back in Black", a great Rock tune, is AC/DC.... 
Vintage tubes - facts, science, technology & empirical evidence VS. marketing, myth & hype
I must share that I am not a tube roller, and had been quite pleased with the sound of my LTA MicroZOTL and Herron VTPH-2A stock.  I did get the urge to try some NOS tubes...I contacted BRENT JESSEE, who I found to be responsive, honest and helpfu... 
Bad recordings and high end audio
when you have enjoyed this hobby and music for a long time, I think you come to understand that different source materials are poor/average/good/great, just like the music itself....no system is going to make a poor recording sound great, no more ... 
IEC connector with fuse and switch
@lalitk , your interest is appreciated.....I have had no trouble locating or opening the fuse compartment, and it is oriented as I have said...I contacted PASS LABS, who have told me that current flows from the  end of the fuse  located towards th... 
IEC connector with fuse and switch
@lalitk,I appreciate you trying to help, but perhaps you didnt understnad my post....the use is oriented from the BACKSIDE of the amp toward the frontside, so neither of your suggestions are helpful 
IEC connector with fuse and switch
SO, on my amp(PASS Labs x250.8), the center contact is oriented to the LEFT and the fuse points in/out, NOT UP/DOWN....any thoughts? 
When are people going to wake up and realize listening is a skill?
this discussion, if you remove some of the arrogance and criticism, is actually quite thought provoking.  Some good points have been made, but some of the analogy falls a bit short.  In  most sports(and I guess car racing is a sport, to a degree),... 
IEC connector with fuse and switch
Vintage tubes - facts, science, technology & empirical evidence VS. marketing, myth & hype
I have limited experience with rolling of NOS tubes.  I imagine, like everything in this subjective hobby, I am prone  to listener bias and and limited SQ memory.  BUT I have heard nice changes in SQ with quality NOS tubes....like the expression s... 
Quantum Science Audio Thread
+1 @jetter....are people uping the ratings, or using the stock recommendations? 
@wlutke , dont be silly...your comments are interesting; now, if my interface ever arrives, I will share my thoughts....UPS seems to be stuck in Germany for 10 days......frustrating! 
thanks for clarifying....