
Responses from jtinn

Running a CD player directly into power amps,
I have recently found a CD player which bests the sound through a pre-amp and comes damn close to vinyl. If all you use is digital, the Audio Aero Capitole 24/192 may be perfect for your situation. It has a gain control with remote and has a huge ... 
Best all Canadian system
Verity Audio and Lammhorn Speakers. Both terrific products, especially the finest amps in the world... The Tenor Audio Amplifiers. 
Balanced or SET Which one is more musical? Need help
Jena Labs cable would be my first choice. Nordost cables would be my second. Either of them would be a big improvement over the AQ stuff as well as the Kimber Select. 
Replace ML Requests w/ B W 802's
I would highly recommend the Piega P-10's. They will give you what you like in the ML's but tremendous bass and dynamics. I personally like them far better than the 802's. I have not heard a speaker under $30,000 that betters them. 
What is the story with 24 bit masters 24/96 .
They have been remastered at the higher bit rate but are still standard PCM. The 24/96 re-issues are generally quite a bit better sounding but DAC's do not see them as more than 16 bit. It is just like the CD's that you have that are recorded at 2... 
Is a 12' X 16' room big enough for stereo?
No Problem. If you are going to ever move to real big speakers it could get to be a problem. There are other things to take into consideration as well as the room dimensions... flooring, walls, etc. 
CARDAS speakercable:warm and details? or warm?
I would say the Cardas is not as neutral as many of the other cables I have heard. I also find the Cardas cables to be a bit bloated in the lower mids. As far as warmth, I would probably call them more laid back than warm. 
Mark Levinson No.37 and 36s Vurs ML 39 CD Player
If you would consider the new 390s, I would go that route over either of the other choices. The 390s uses the Anagram chipset which is a HUGE leap in digital. If it has to be between the 39 and the 36/37 combo, I would go 36/37. 
CJ Premier 11a vs. Audio Research VT50/VT100MKII ?
I would recommend the ARC VT 100 MKII over the CJ. The ARC does a much better job with bass control and soundstage. I would also recommend the BAT VK-75-SE over either the CJ or the ARC.If you are looking for customer service, DO NOT buy ARC. CJ a... 
Purist Audio Dominus, Worth it?
Others to consider as well are Nordost Valhalla and Jena Labs Pathfinder. All are terrific.Let us now your findings. 
Which integrated amp for Talon Khorus?
The Tenor Audio Classic 75Wi. I think it is the finest amp in the world right now. 
Buying Hi-End CD Player or Transport..
Since the 39 has been replaced by the 390s and there is a significant improvement, I would not consider the "old" 39. :) The new 390s uses the Anagram DAC made famous by Audiomeca and Audio Aero. The Audio Aero Capitole 24/192 also has a gain cont... 
ARC Support
Frank: I appreciate the fine experiences you have had with ARC and am glad to see you have not been as poorly treated as Mes and I have. While Leonard may be following company policy, he, being the "front man" for ARC, should have a bit more tact ... 
Buying Hi-End CD Player or Transport..
The two best that I have heard are not on your list. The Audiomeca Mephisto II CD player and the Audio Aero Capitole 24/192. Both use the Anagram dac and are far more analog sounding than anything you have mentioned. They both have incredible dept...