
Responses from jtinn

Tubes Tubes Tubes...
It is because solid state amps like low impedance speakers. A 16 ohm speaker could suck the marrow out of a high wattage SS amp. While a lower wattage tube amp might drive it extremely well. Many tubes amps deliver higher current which quite a few... 
"Fast sounding tube amp" with plenty of power? any?
I agree with Duke. Atma-sphere MA2MKII.2's are lightning quick and at 220 watts per channel, will drive most speakers. Any high powered OTL should be quicker than a transformer based amplifier. 
Great cd players that can connect directly to a power amp?
Audio Aero Capitole is phenominal! 
best dealer to buy a avalon speaker
Sorry to disagree with Joe Abrams, but Audio Gallery in Oregon is the WORST store I have ever been in. The owner is rude and obnoxious. I would rather own Bose than buy anything from Gary. Most people here feel the same. 
Sony SCD-1 balanced or unbalanced?
I found that with my SCD-1 that running balanced, the unit was very inferior and sounded much better when run with single ended cables. 
Avalon Eidolon for nearfield listening?
As an alternative to the Eidolon's, you must hear the Piega P10's. They are the best speaker that not a lot of money can buy. They compare very favorably to $30,000 speakers for only $10,000. 
Best DAC to match CEC drive model TL 1
I have heard the combination of the CEC TL 1 with both the Entec Number Cruncher 2.1 as well as the Audiomeca Enkianthus and both combinations were marvelous.If you are interested in the Number Cruncher, you can contact an Audiogon user named MES ... 
Franchise player-the one untouchable component
Tenor Audio amplifiers. The Michael Jordan of audio! 
is BAT good with non-BAT components?
The problem is the VTL preamp. It is not what they are known for. I would highly recommend the VK-50SE preamp for your friend, it is a wonderful piece that matches well with most equipment. 
Nordost Valhalla Question
Hi Acuujim: The Valhalla is a significant jump. Much more resolute. 
One box cdp's vs. seperates
I have found two - the AudioAero Capitole and the AudioMeca Mephisto II. They are both better than the separates that I have had. I have had the dCS, Levinson, etc.They are amazing! 
What tube amp for watt/puppy V.1's
Albert: This may be the first time I disagree with you. I tried the Wolcott's on the Wilson MAXX's and not only was there no bass, but the imaging was all over the place. However, when I broght the amps over to a friend's house and hooked them up ... 
Tube amp for a somewhat difficult load
Atma-sphere MA2 MKII.2 should be perfect. Duke can help you out at AudioKineses - He is the man! 
Mark Levinson 336 vs Pass Labs X350?
Both amps are very good. My tastes lean more toward the Pass X350. The presentation is a bit different than the 336 and it seems to be a bit more natural. Niether would be a bad choice. As far as CD players, save for the Audio Aero Capitole 24/192... 
McIntosh MC2000 vs. Goldmund 29
The MC2000 is pretty special and although the Goldmund is a wonderful sounding solid state amplifier, the MC2000 is much more musical.