
Responses from jtinn

Have you heard SACD?
It truly is amazing (Detlof, way to go!!!), and I like it quite a bit better than DVD-A.What I still have a problem with is the software availability, not just in our neighboring Canada, but everywhere. I am getting quite impatient and look forwar... 
Audio Research...
It really does not matter in terms of resale. If someone is looking for one and there are not many to choose from, I am guessing, the faceplate color will be less important.If you are buying new, ask your dealer which he sells more of, or, call Le... 
Copper v. Silver IC sound
Jk: Thank you for avoiding flames. :)OK, now back to the show...Silver produces a higher quantity of quantum noise known as "Phononic Energy". In layman's terms, silver generally will produce a high frequency coloration ranging from a shimmer to o... 
Copper v. Silver IC sound
I know I will take some heat for this, but every time I introduced a silver cable or a set of silver cables in my system, I hear what I would characterize as distortion. I have a very wide bandwidth system and do not feel silver is more extended. ... 
Shunyata Python VS. Viper V2,Is there difference?
Bwhite: Well put! 
scd 777es sacd sony mod worth it?
Congratulations and thanks for the follow up. I would tend to agree that as you found originally with break-in on the SCD-1, it will probably be at least the same with the new mods. Although the $2900 may seem expensive, if it can replace your Lev... 
Laid back sound-ML336...is that good or bad?
When someone says "laid back", I think of it as the opposite of aggresive. I would ask the parties making that statement to expand on their thoughts... in comparison to what?... do they mean laid back in a good or bad way?I would see "laid back" a... 
A question concerning ethics
BTW, Pardon my spelling --- I meant umbrage, not hombrage.:) 
A question concerning ethics
Sean:--- Original Message ----"As to my ethics, please be aware that i was asked to participate as a member of the Audiogon Panel. I originally accepted their more than gracious offer but later felt the need to remove myself from their company. I ... 
Shunyata Python VS. Viper V2,Is there difference?
I cannot tell you what the sonic differences are, but from a technological point of view, Grant at Shunyata said the advancement in design was a huge leap.If you want to call Grant directly, his number and email address are on the Shunyata website... 
Looking for speakers to go with Graaf OTL-20 amp -
I agree with Brulee's recommendation of the Coincident speakers. From what Israel says, they match up extremely well with OTL's.Nice choice on the Graaf's. While I have not heard the lower powered 20, I have heard the big brothers and they were te... 
What speaker to replace ESL 63?
Detlof & Frap: Actually anything by that quartet is exceptional. They have also recorded the Mozart String Quartets which was just re-released. As good a performance as I have heard. 
Help - amplifier matching problems
Sean: This sounds more like a personal witch hunt you are on than anything else. You are attempting to gather up a lynch mob and create hate. You need to find a better use of your time. What is with all this "WE" stuff in the "ethics" thread?I hav... 
Help - amplifier matching problems
Why not find a BAT VK-500 amps? It should do the trick extremely well. 
BAT VK-75 vs. ARC VT100 MkIII?
I would recommend staying with BAT just because their service is far better than ARC's.Ask the Audiogon user, MES about his experience with ARC and you will never buy their product.