
Responses from jtinn

laid back, warm interconnects with tight bass clean highs
You may want to call Jena Labs and ask about the Symphony cables. They have a dead flat frequency response from 0 - over 10 mega hz. Each cable is tested and measured, unlike any other cable on the market. The cables are also cryogenically treated... 
Change Nordost SPM cable to IC?
I think they just got fed up with people taking advantage of their lenient re-termination policy. Many people started buying long runs of used Nordost cable, and sent them in for conversion to multiple short runs for a minimal charge, only to sell... 
3 player shortlist, help me make a choice.....
I encourage you to be careful with the 39 as it is about to be replaced by the 390 or 390S.If it limited only to the three you have mentioned, I would probably recommend the YBA. I have not heard it in quite a while but was extremely impressed whe... 
Help with speaker selection, please
Interesting... all of the speakers have excellent qualities, but are soooo different. If you like the glorious but limited sound of the Quads, but want the transparency of the Merlin's, with the speed of the Talon's, the beauty of the ProAcs, and ... 
Change Nordost SPM cable to IC?
Are you the original owner? If not, they have a new policy of not supporting conversions. 
The best Subwoofer
Krell Master Reference or Wilson XS 
reliable tube sources
Call Andy Bowman at Vintage Tubes. You can also try Kevin Deal at Upscale Audio. Kevin may or may not sell to you as he likes keeping his stock for customers who purchase equipment from him. Both are extremely experienced. 
dcs sound
Plsl: I listen to mostly Classical and Jazz. Large orchestral as well as small ensemble. The Audiomeca handles it extremely well and never thins out the sound. I really loved my dCS gear and I would not have parted with it, if it were not for the ... 
Equi=Tech or Shunyata / Hydra
I have had a number of the different power devices in my system and so far the HYDRA is by far the best.I have had quite a few through here and all did something well, but ultimately, they left for a reason. Whether it was loss of dynamics or slig... 
Sony 9000ES: DanWright or StanWarren Mod
I took a peek at the mods that Dan Wright is doing and they look terrific. I know a few people that have gone that route and are extremely pleased. Jena Labs raves about the work he does. I am not familiar with Stan's mods but I hear he, too, does... 
Audiomeca Obsession Tube CD Player
Yes, it is a marvelous value. Very analog sounding like the entire line. 
Are they truly balanced?
The BAT preamp is a true balanced design from input to output. There are not that many that are really balanced. The Atma-sphere from what I understand is another one. 
Tube pre sspwramp vs sspre tubepwr
I think most people like to have at least some tubes in their system. I prefer all tubes. Although I have tried both ways you are asking about, if you have to have anything solid state, I have found a SS preamp with tube amps was preferreable over... 
KS-1030 VS. Nordost Quattro Fil
I had the Kimber Select in my system and was a bit disappointed. The Nordost cables are terrific, especially Quattro Fil and Valhalla.I lean toward the Quattro Fil.Good luck! 
tube amp recommendations for Watt/Puppys
Hey Kelly: I did indeed listen to the Nagra amps and preamp with the WP 6's in my home. The Watt Puppies are terrific speakers and I am sure they sounded quite good at the show. But, if you really want to hear what they can do, listen to them with...