

Responses from jtcf

Break in blues
@michaelgreenaudio I was speaking in general terms too:)I always enjoy your posts@michaellent I'm looking forward to hearing all about your Rogue upgrades.I'm definitely hanging on to my 66.@jmolsberg yes on the linear power supply.I'm going to ex... 
Break in blues
Geez!I was just ranting a bit is all.The little amp is sounding great since cable swapping.Tubed components do need to break in a while IMHO.After 25hours or so they're about 90% there.My anxiety stemmed from how it was sounding way different from... 
Solid Silver Power Cord
I have a couple of Cabledyne Silver Synergy cords that I like very much.Clean,clear,uncolored power delivery.  
Break in blues
I've got some vinyl but no turntable at present.I've been eyeing some tables recently....maybe later.My brother has a new VPI that he is struggling with.I absolutely love listening to records with him and think it's perfect, but he's always tweaki... 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Abbey Road right now.Tonight maybe some Floyd. 
New preamp in system
I had a cj pv10 back in the day.Such a warm and musical sound.I auditioned it next to a sunfire tubed pre.The sunfire was more transparent but I loved the cj because it just "sounded right" as per their slogan:)Now I have an older rogue pre which ... 
Dan D'Agostino Interview on/by 'Steve Guttenberg On YouTube'
Thanks!Very interesting interview.I do enjoy Steve's videos. 
Harmonic Tech AC10 vs Audiience PowerChord
I've had an audience powerchord on my preamp for the past four years that works out very well in that application.I tried several others but the powerchord was just right.I find it to be neutral,transparent,and relaxed.It doesn't emphasize any one... 
How important is it for you to attain a holographic image?
@jerrysfinger  I agree that once you have it it's hard to go back.But I can enjoy music without it at other people's houses,in the car,etc.Just not at home.It's just thrilling to listen with closed eyes and get lost in the illusion. 
Marketing slogans to catch the consumers attention
Conrad Johnson - it just sounds right 
Tekton Double Impacts
I ordered my Impacts with grills.They are shipped separately.When they hadn't arrived a week after the speakers arrived,an inquiry from me got an apology and the grills arrived in two days. 
Aric Audio Systems Unlimited Preamp
I'm yet another very happy customer of Aric Audio.I've had the Transcend Push Pull amplifier in my system for a couple of months now.Dead quiet background,wide and deep soundstage,outstanding timbre across all frequencies,the placement and three d... 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Might have to pick up "Willie and Family Live".Thanks for the recommendation.Tonight it's "Good Morning Mr Blues" Otis Spann 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Listening casually to misc. stuff on a "mix cd" while breaking in a new amp.Bones,bones,bones by Greg Brown really got my attention.Tina Turner is fantastic, agreed! 
Official Black Friday 2018 Thread
Quite a few of the companies that do direct sales are having 10%-25% off this weekend.Just gotta browse and search em out.