

Responses from jtcf

replace in wall cables? or not?
Blue Jeans really is a very good choice.Excellent company to deal with.Other cables in your price range may sound slightly different,but not better IMO. 
Tube Rolling EAR 890
No experience with the EAR.I do like the Gold Lion tubes though.Great bass,beautiful mids,highs rolled off just a little.They seem to provide that sound consistently in many different components(I have read about)The Tube Store,MusicDirect, or Jim... 
Best budget cables for tube amp
AudioArt silver/copper cables sound very good with tube gear. 
Blind squirrels and such-Ncore 400
Good for you!I've often thought of trying my hand at building a tube amp.Might just go for it when I get the time:) 
Peachtree vs Rogue Integrated
No actual experience with that combo.I have read in several threads here and on other forums about reliability issues with the Peachtree products.I am one of many happy Rogue owners.Well built and great customer service.Hope that helps a bit.Good ... 
Question for serious Siltech users
I used to use Siltech Paris ics(explorer series,silver,gold,copper)Silky smooth,no excessive sibilance.When I switched to tube amps they were a bit veiled so had to give em up.I really liked them with ss amps though. 
Digital Source with Tube Amplification
Option #3 for me.Love my Quickies!I've quit upgrading and just enjoy now. 
Digital Source with Tube Amplification
Mapman pretty much summed it up.It's all in the synergy of your particular system.Personally I've ended up with all tubed components,cdp,pre,and amps.The more tubes,the more organic and enjoyable the music is for me. 
My Rogue 99 preamp is haunted?
That's hilarious!But glad it wasn't haunted and all is well! 
So I put some SilverStar fuses in my amp and....
Haven't tried any "high end" fuses yet,but I am intrigued.I didn't think changing my outlets to Porter Ports would make much difference until I tried it and was very pleasantly surprised.Things that in theory should have little or no impact can ma... 
Looking to get my first amp, speakers and turntabl
The sales dude is pushing you towards a home theater set up.Is that the route you want to go?If you want a really nice music only system,use your current system for the TV.Then find some speakers you love for a music only system.Then choose the am... 
My Rogue 99 preamp is haunted?
Definitely haunted:)Email Rogue directly for advice,it may be a diy fix. 
How does one "Get lost in the music"?
Alonski,Well said!I undergo a similar ritual,and it is indeed surreal,eyes closed and the room as dark as possible.Just me and the musicians. 
Svetlana v. Genalex KT88 Tubes?
The Genalex are great sounding tubes and reliable. 
Tube in Preamp or Power amp?
Just starting out with tubed components the preamp is easier to deal with.They do have a highish output impedance so make sure your amp's input impedance is a higher value than the pre's output.IMO tubed components allow the music to become more n...