

Responses from jtcf

Cabledyne Synergy Silver Speaker Cables
I have two of the Synergy power cords,but no ICs or SCs.They are clean,clear,and very quiet.They eliminated a bit of haze that I didn't realize was there until it was gone.Sturdy connectors and very flexible,which is great. 
Silver plated copper
All hook up wire is going to distort the signal in some way inevitably.All we can do is find wire that presents distortion we find pleasing to our ears.I don't care for silver plated copper either but other folks love it.I remember seeing a chart ... 
Whats playing on your system today?
Cheap Thrills - Janis Joplin and Big Brother and the Holding Company.Haven't listened to that in forever.The texture and atmosphere transported me to a dark nightclub and I could almost smell the beer and weed. 
What preamp creates the largest soundstage?
@meiatflask it's good you demoed it.System synergy is everything.In my set-up the soundstage became wider  and deeper instantaneously.I did experience some weird sonics the second day but turned out I had a bad cable.Best of luck in your search!It... 
What preamp creates the largest soundstage?
Check out Linear Tube Audio,Decware,and Aric Audio.Each of those small companies offer excellent products.At present  I have a LTA microZ2 and it presents a wide and deep soundstage. 
Speaker suggestions
+1 for treating the room  
Can we hear from those who essentially repurchased previous system?
I used to have that same Technics turntable,mated with a little Pioneer receiver and off-brand speakers(paralex).I recently bought the receiver again and am planning on finding the turntable but probably different vintage speakers to put in a gues... 
Duelund RCA interconnects...opinions
Grannyring on this site makes them and has an ad here. I think it's called BBQ Audio. 
Jimmy Page, It's time to call your lawyers?
big_greg you made me spit my coffee:D 
Brief Review: JW Audio Cryo Nova Speaker Cables
That's great!I recently switched out an ic for the same reason - couple of new components.So glad I kept them now.Gotta love freebies:) 
Jimmy Page, It's time to call your lawyers?
Many many rock songs are reworked blues classics.It's nothing new.I also common for  musicians to sneak in riffs and sections from other songs to amuse themselves and other musicians.Musician geeky fun:) 
Jimmy Page, It's time to call your lawyers?
They've played in clubs around here(4 or 5 yrs ) and used to do a LZ set.They were pretty upfront about being heavily influenced by them at the time.I think they're very talented but unimaginative.There's only one LZ.I think of them as a way overd... 
My initial impressions of ZU Mission (MK1) speaker cables.
Cables definitely make a difference.They don't have to cost $$$ either.Different types of metal,geometries,connectors,and our old friends resistance,capacitance,and induction react uniquely with our components.The only way to know is to try. 
PrimaLuna Prologue one speaker match
Lol!My brother has some older Cornwall lls and has placed a concrete gargoyle on top of each. 
My initial impressions of ZU Mission (MK1) speaker cables.
At least they don't sound worse,which is great:)You got the length you wanted and solid connectivity.I'm mulling over trying new speaker cables myself,upgradeitis probably:)I like the Clear Days I have now buuuut can I do better......Thanks for po...