

Responses from jtcf

What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Heart -The Road Home (live!) 
If you want to get the best of your transport, try this.
Y'all will laugh,but I did make some feet out of plastic butter containers packed tightly with sand.Yes they were very effective under tubed components:)From there I went with Bright Star sand platforms.Much more attractive. 
Whats playing on your system today?
Dire Straits - Dire Straits 
Great New Linda Ronstadt Live
Thanks for the link.That band!Wow!I think I need this:) 
Impressing friends with your rig
I don't get to show my system off very often.Most visitors are content with background music.One exception was the father of one of my son's school mates who also happened to make his living in his younger days as a rock musician.He noticed the eq... 
Overwhelmed and under experienced...
IMO any well made heavy gage power cable with tight fitting connectors and is flexible enough for your application will do the job.I used to have Venoms also and noticed no difference between them and the stock cords.Plus they're too stiff.Cabledy... 
Should I upgrade my system while losing my hearing?
M brother got hearing aids last year but takes them out when listening to his system.His aids enhance the frequencies surrounding the human voice which makes for a bright fatiguing experience when listening to music.He said walking through crackli... 
If you want to get the best of your transport, try this.
@uberwaltz I know what you mean.I tried an off brand similar to rollerbearings and the component did actually slide right off of the footers.It was a cheap "knock off" product though.The rollerbearings must be a much better design I'm assuming sin... 
Power Tubes Quicksilver Mid Mino
I liked Gold Lion KT88s in my mid monos.They rolled off the highs just a bit but the mids and bass were excellent. 
Opinion on NAD C368 bridged with C268?
If the Rotel keeps shutting down it's protection circuitry may have good reason to do so.Check that your speaker cables (or other cables) aren't shorting it out.As far as Tekton speakers go,I too am a fan.They don't need a lot of power to really s... 
If you want to get the best of your transport, try this.
@mzkmxcv the CD may not skip and it will be listenable when the player is subjected to vibration.But it is definitely not able to track accurately and there will be missing information.It's been demonstrated,measured, and proven time and again.We ... 
Beyond the sound of things, and into the soul of things.
Yes,a very good thread.I know exactly what you mean.It's being transported to the event and feeling,tasting,smelling,and practically living/reliving it.Magical. 
If you want to get the best of your transport, try this.
@mzkmxcv would you care to explain how the laser can accurately track the disc when it's vibrating excessively? 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Chris Smither -Live as I'll Ever Be      New Awlins Blues:) 
I like male vocalists that can really express the emotion.They are usually not technically great but they touch your soul.Robert Plant,Joe Cocker,John Hammond.....