

Responses from jtcf

Zu vs. Tekton? -- your comparisons on price, build, sound
I've owned Tekton monitors and several months ago bought a pair of Zu Omen Defs.Not really in the same price range but I have a few thoughts that might be relevant. The Zus are way more sensitive,excel at separating instruments and vocalists and p... 
Rel Does Not Recomment Isolation Stands
The HSU subs that I have now perform worse when I've experimented with isolating them and raising them up.They seem to be engineered to perform at their best close to the floor and on the feet that come with them.  
Thoughts on having 2 different sized subs in same room
Yes you can use two different brands. It's all about proper placement of the subs then a little fooling with separate volumes and crossovers.Hook them up with speaker wire or using the preamp,whichever sounds best to you.They don't need expensive ... 
Review: Aric Audio Super 6SN7 preamp
Congrats! I have one of his amps and can't say enough good things about Aric and his products.Enjoy:-)  
Has Anyone Here Tried The SVS Soundpath Feet On A Rel Sub?
I've tried several brands of isolation devices,also  stone or concrete slabs under my subs.Without fail the sound is worse. I expected to hear a difference but was surprised at the denigration. This was with SVS subs and also HSU subs.Something to... 
Opinions about high fidelity reveal?
Audio Bacon did a review of the Reveal loom.He liked them quite a bit and mentioned that "they play well with other brands" in a system. You can Google it:-) 
Need speaker suggestions for my evolving system!
Get the Zus and let your wife choose the finish. Sell the Peachtree and the Totems, go back to the Marantz. 
Power Cord & SPDIF Coaxial Recommendations For Audiomeca Mephisto CD Transport
Triode Wire Labs specialty is cables that will take away digital glare and edginess but retain detail. Their power cords are very effective IME. 
who makes your fav cable loom in 2021?
Audio Bacon also was impressed with Iconoclast. You could Google that for more info. Audio Envy is a really good start for newbies as a baseline. Triode Wire Labs,Cullen Cable, and ZenWave (more pricey) are my favorites. They all have trial period... 
who makes your fav cable loom in 2021?
Audio Bacon also was impressed with Iconoclast. You could Google that for more info. Audio Envy is a really good start for newbies as a baseline. Triode Wire Labs,Cullen Cable, and ZenWave (more pricey) are my favorites. They all have trial period... 
Is bass the most important frequency band?
Getting the bass right is important and difficult. In the long run your satisfaction would fade if you couldn't achieve a good balance with the other frequencies.@ghdprentice I know exactly what you mean. A system can be tuned to sound wonderful t... 
Tube dampener questions
I've tried several types also,but only had good results once with some 12AU7 tubes in a pre amp with Herbies. Much better results to be had with footers and platforms under tubed equipment. 
Circle Labs A200 Integrated amplifier review - It will appeal to both tube and SS lovers……
Thank you! Very nice review and I appreciate your detailed descriptions of the sound qualities. 
why do so many discussions turn contentious?
Moderators of online forums are almost always volunteers with jobs,families, and no time to babysit this place day and night. Tammy keeps hanging in there and probably does have to do it all at times as other volunteers come and go.+1 nonoise and ... 
secretguy kind thoughts for you and your family also.We've had some minor damage (thankfully!)from tornadoes up here in the midwest and I sort of can relate.Arranging for repairs is another type of nightmare when so many need help.Take care!