

Responses from jtcf

RCA cables to a subwoofer- how much does it matter?
I used Blue Jeans cables when I had four subs,for the two on the front wall.Then longer Monoprice to daisy chain the other two in back.Nothing wrong with BJ,well built and attractive. You guys motivated me to try a Cullen 10 gauge pc on one of my... 
About users with hidden agendas
@whart the forum rules do prohibit political discussions. The volunteer mods would have to babysit this place day and night to make sure that the policies are followed. That's not going to happen. So they skim quickly and delete here and there, so... 
RCA cables to a subwoofer- how much does it matter?
Darned if I know, I'm also hesitant to spend a lot for just the deep bass.I just have some cheap Monoprice cables.I suspect an upgraded power cable would make a positive difference, it certainly has on my amps.I've been considering that, but have ... 
noise distortion for certain tracks
That's fairly common with digital recordings. Details and dynamics in the "presence region" can be too harsh unless you can find a quality remastered version. It's possible to alleviate most of that by carefully matching components and some tweaki... 
Denefrips Pontus "burn in" period?
I agree with oldhvymec. You need to turn it off overnight or at least several hours.Give it a try.  
Looking for a warm sounding amp or integrated with a torodial transformer
@dafox if you want to try some different cables before changing equipment check out Triode Wire Labs.Their cables are designed to take the edge off of "digititus" without losing detail. They have a generous return policy if they don't work out for... 
Power cable for an Auralic Aries G1
+2 Triode Wire Labs  
Cullen or Triode Wire Labs power cord?
I have a TWL Obsession and a Digital American for my transport and Dac.A Cullen Crossover all on my ss amp.ZenWave psr on the tube amp,Audio Envy on the pre.I don't like the TWL cords on the amps and pre but the noise filtering they do make them p... 
Rogue RP-1 or Schiit Freya
No experience with Schiit.I do own the RP1 and couldn't be more pleased. If you buy new from audio advisor you can send it back if you don't like it.When I bought mine I really didn't expect to be as impressed as I was. Right out of the box it was... 
Rouge Audio RP-7
I've owned two Rogue pre amps.Never any issues. I have an rp100 at present and have no desire to replace it ever.The remote is cheesy for sure:-)The performance is excellent though.  
What are your favorite "HOT" songs?
Jump Into the Fire Harry Nillson  
Can one have too many tube components in a system?
All of my components are tubed. So far no hiss heard through my Zus.  
Bonham’s Squeaky Drum Pedal
The mistakes I can hear make the music so much more human and like live music to me.I've never noticed the drum pedal squeak. I'm sure it's there but misidentified by me.I'll listen for it now and take note,thanks!  
Room treatments for a lively sounding room
I like GIK also. In my room the corners have quite a bit of bass build up that is easy to hear by walking along the walls.The corners where the walls meet the ceiling were the most critical areas to treat.  
Replaced all my Living Room Outlets
It will be funnier as the evening goes on. When I replaced all of the outlets in my house it sure felt like everything was running better. Nice and new and securely fastened.