
Responses from jpan

Pass Labs XP-10 & XP20 Users
Kzhtoo - I wrote this really long response and decided it was waaaay to long. So, here's my (somewhat) abridged version.Start with your source. Your system will never reach it's potential unless you can feed it the right "stuff" played through the... 
Pass Labs XP-10 & XP20 Users
Kzhtoo - I also have the XP-10 and the XA30.5.My power conditioner (PC) is the Running Springs Dmitri. It is awesome and I highly recommend it. I found a (slightly) used one on Audigon. It still wasn't inexpensive but I am VERY happy I got it.I'm ... 
Selling dispute. Please comment.
Have you tried or suggested that the two of you speak on the phone? I think email can be pretty brutal sometimes. Taking time to talk it through might help bring this back to a more even keel level. Take the emotion out of it. Discuss it 1:1 and t... 
Stillpoint Ultras anyone?
Well, like I said, I don't think there's much of a difference one way or the other between the Stillpoint Ultra's and the Strange Attractors. That is, expect the price.I suppose the Ultra Fives are on a different level. And they better be -- they'... 
Stillpoint Ultras anyone?
Tbg...from the Music Direct web site for the Strange Attractors:"In fact, Strange Attractors act very similarly to a diode, which allows energy to only pass one way and not return. Strange Attractors remove both internal and external sources of vi... 
Stillpoint Ultras anyone?
Tbg, Sure...but just to be clear I didn't do a direct comparison. It is more of an inference based on my investigation and listening impressions. Everything was done at my home with my system.First, I started with my speakers because this had alwa... 
Stillpoint Ultras anyone?
Hifial...When I first started down this road my priority was the speakers. At the time, I don't believe the Strange Attractors were available. As it turned out the Stillpoints did such a fantastic job and I didn't think twice about it. It was only... 
Stillpoint Ultras anyone?
Oh brother, don't tempt me... 
Stillpoint Ultras anyone?
I use the Stillpoint Ultra Stainless Steel (SS) under my speakers--Sonics Amerigos. They have been a huge improvement across all the usual dimensions--sound stage, bass, overall tone, etc. My listening room is carpeted and that has always posed a ... 
Lyra vs. Lyra
I've had a number of Lyra carts--Lydian, Helikon, Kleos, and (now) the Titan i.If you can afford it, then I would definitely and without hesitation get the Titan i.It's simply--and I use that word specifically--another big leap forward from any of...