Looking for warm tube preamp (should pair well with Pass power amp), budget $6000

Right now I have an ARC ref5se and its nice but looking for something of similar quality but warmer (maybe Vac, CJ or something you think will fit well). Looking for smooth sound, full mid range.



I'm running an Aric Audio Super 6SN7 right now on my Pass Labs XA30.8. Its a wonderful match. I would look into the Aric's Motherload II as its in your price range and might be worth your consideration.

Good luck



Post removed 

Aric Audio as @cmach pointed out. I run the Motherlode II with First Watt amps.  I find it to be an excellent pairing.  

When you say "warm preamp" I don't follow.

If you said, "warm tubes for preamp" I would follow better. But maybe there is such a thing as a "warm preamp" above and beyond the tubes put into it.

If that is true, I'd appreciate folks teaching me that.