
Responses from josh358

Anything better than 1.7 Maggies
I think 400 or 500 watts is a very practical amp for Maggies. Still, I've owned MMG's, and also Tympanis. I love the MMG's, which seem to me one of the most amazing bargains in audio. But comparing the MMG's to the Tympanis is like comparing a lap... 
Replacement for Maggie's?
Way to go! And congratulations. As good as the smaller Maggies are, that true ribbon is on a different plane. 
Replacement for Maggie's?
Harri, while I know people have had good results with forex the Rel subs, you might want to consider Magnepan's DWM woofer. It won't smear the sound like a dynamic sub because it's also a planar, and it's quite small. Magnepan showed it at CES wit... 
Replacement for Maggie's?
Wow, that's a tall order. To get speakers that have a fair measure of the virtues of both planars and dynamics, you have to spend a lot of money, and typically deal with something that's very big, like the big Maggies, Apogees, or Sound Labs, or v... 
Replacement for Maggie's?
Agree with Elizabeth and others that the 3.7 is the obvious choice. It does everything the 1.6 does but better. Or even the 20.7, if you can swing it.Ejlif, what were you powering your 3.6's with? I've heard them play quite loud, certainly in the ... 
Old vs New Magnepan 1.7 vs Tympani IV
This may be redundant after all the other posts, but as an old 1-D owner who now has a pair of IVa's, I'll add my voice and say go for the Tympanis! It's a no brainer, if you have the space. I don't know of anything that will touch them for the pr... 
Magnepan MMG or something else
Some good advice here, and I agree with Soix -- you need to tell us more about why they aren't involving, if you can put it into words.As several have said, placement is key. In particular, they want to be out from the front wall behind them -- at... 
best amp for Magnepan 3,7
Rreid01, here's a recent thread on integrating IIIa bass panels with the Tympani IVa, you may find the information useful: 
What's Up with Magnapan at Shows?
Don,I don't think a 3 Hz difference in the the -3 dB point is going to make much of an audible difference. Any speaker design consists of numerous interacting tradeoffs. The 3.7 is a radical redesign from the 3.6, with different tuning, conductors... 
What's Up with Magnapan at Shows?
According to Wendell, the goal of this demonstration wasn't just to sell speakers, but to introduce a concept -- that of using the DWM woofer to match bass panel area to the acoustics of individual rooms. This concept is still unfamiliar to most, ... 
Magnepan 3.7
Bimmer, if you can swing it, the 3.7 or 20.7 should do better in the dynamics department. If you want more than that and have the space, you can do what I did and get a used pair of Tympanis. 
Magnepan 3.7 or PSB Synchrony One?
Patrick, you didn't say what kind of music you listen to, or how loud. The story with the 3.7's (and other Maggies) is that they're an easy amp load for a real amplifier (e.g., one that can double down into 4 ohms rather than a cheap receiver), bu... 
Best Electrostatic loudspeaker?
For what it's worth, it wasn't Magnepan's patent infringement suit that killed Apogee, but financial difficulties. Apparently, the Grand, while superb, was very expensive to make, and they also had trouble with the cost of in-warranty ribbon repai... 
Best speaker on used market around 10,000.00
"Hi Josh. Visceral to who, you or Curleyques? Visceral is a very personal effect."Hi Phaelon. That's a pretty widespread description. The dynamics in that price range typically have more bass slam. Whether this matters to someone is a matter of pe... 
Best speaker on used market around 10,000.00
Heh, well, almost. There are stats and other panels that won't deliver the "visceral punch," so at least we know what not to suggest.