

Responses from jond

Oracle Alexandria turntable question
For $80 if you have the know how to fix it why not? It's worth more than that in parts I'm sure.  
Your thoughts on best audiophile speakers in $10,000 neighborhood?
As there are approximately a billion speakers in that $10K  or close range you’re going to get a ton of different recommendations. Why? Because we all like what we like and we hear stuff differently from one another. On top of that we all have dif... 
Feeling Lucky???
I think that maybe an extreme reaction Jeff's been on here for 6 years now. Yes of course they want your email address but one can always unsubscribe.  
Verity Audio speaker manufacturer silent...
That is unfortunate I've admired their speakers from afar but never heard one.  
Sonny Clark Dilemma
Get the Mosaic box and if they don't sound as good as the releases you have wait a year or two and sell it for a profit.  
Spendor D7.2 Pairing - First Watt F8
Paging @avanti1960   
The receiver was my intro to HiFi! What say you?
My parents had a Technics receiver when I was a kid I cannot remember the model number. Part of a Technics rack system no idea if it sounded any good but I was pretty young back then.  
Halcro update
There may be marketing but looks like a pretty cool amp albeit very expensive. I doubt I'll ever hear it but always nice to see someone doing something different in hifi.  
Great Customer Support From Devialet
That is great to hear that sort of support is very rare indeed these days.  
Going Tubing
I'm a big fan to tubes and in your case bimmerlover a preamp seems like a good place to start. A really good tubed preamp can be really transformative and a good SS amp will let that tubey goodness shine.  
Vivid Audio Moya 1 loudspeakers.
Looking big and kinda steampunk to me!  
CANNOT POST LINKS !!!!! Who Else _________________??????????
Seem to work now thanks Tammy now let me try a pic.        
CANNOT POST LINKS !!!!! Who Else _________________??????????
CANNOT POST LINKS !!!!! Who Else _________________??????????
Same for me post a link it says blocked but I’m not blocked, question for @elliottbnewcombjr are you using the Firefox browser? I am and that sometimes causes issues. Thanks!   BTW I messaged Tammy and Audiogon is not doing this it's a glitch.  
Qualities Of An End-game System
I think my mind shut down years ago but I am still here. 🤣Not sure my system is end game but I sure do love it.