

Responses from jond

Black Ice F159 or Gold Note PH-10 ?
I heard the Black Ice in the Zu Audio room this year at CAF, obviously you can't pick one piece of the chain out but overall an excellent sounding setup. I've not heard Gold Note but reviews are positive I'm sure either would be an upgrade on your... 
Who is Roon?
I AM ROON YOU SHALL ALL BOW DOWN BEFORE ME!     Meh that sounded funnier in my head.  
Check This Out!
No shock awesome system Bill I look forward to seeing it and I've heard WvL speakers several times at CAF they sound great.  
Check This Out!
@grannyring Hey Bill what is your system setup these days? I clicked your profile but I don't see your virtual system anymore?  
Aurender a1000 impressions vs Eversolo A6 and Cambridge Cxn100
lipdog that is a very fair and reasonable assessment thanks for posting. I found the same thing when upgrading from a very good Auralic Aries Mini to an Aries G1. Not the quantum leap you might expect but a solid 15-20% improvement. I've not tried... 
Innuos Pulse Incoming
On the connection questions the best thing if you can is to try each and see which sounds best. On the ethernet question I was astonished at the great sound I got from Bluejeans ethernet cables for all of $17 for 1M.  
What would you save in a fire?
@dseltz until we discover that ever elusive sarcasm font!  
Let's talk about Silver...
i am fairly materials agnostic I've had silver and copper, and even some carbon and ceramic cables in my system. I go by overall sound quality, right now my analog cables interconnect and speaker are all copper, Kondo, Auditorium23, and Audio Note... 
Check This Out!
I also heard that same setup at CAF and didn't see this thread until now. I was wondering who the heck Cinnamon Audio was as those speakers were stunning looking as well as sounding great. Like @larryi I thought the system sounded great overall bu... 
Can you damage your speakers by plugging bass port vent?
Plugging bass ports is a totally normal move if you're in a too small or bass compromised room go for it.  
Should I replace my 20-year-old Hovland Radia Amp?
If the Hovland Radia sounds good then it is good no need to replace it unless it stops working.  
Anyone read this NYT story about analog audio bars?
I read it and will probably check out All Blues in TriBeCa sometime.  
Is anyone here still into live concerts these days?
I don't tend to go see popular music so ticket prices aren't so much an issue for me. I typically see Phish 3-5 times a year they keep their ticket prices sane and mostly smaller club shows jazz mostly.  
Do Audio Hobbyists Commonly Fail to Fully Utilize Their Systems?
In terms of using my system I use it every day typically 8-12 hours per day. Mishaps sure I've wired things out of phase before. I once had a pricey Edge battery powered preamp and let the power supply run down to nothing. Called Edge and they tol... 
Will Accuphase E-800 be enough to power Klipsch La Scala speakers?
Don't let the 50 wpc rating fool you that amp is good for 200 wpc into a 2ohm load plenty of amps out there can't even handle a 2 ohm load that is a high current beast. And La Scala's as noted above are very easy to drive.