Responses from jond
Music/Life Tough decision though I am firmly on the fade away track myself. | |
The Streamer-Dac-Preamp Chain Personally I'd got the 791 you'll obviously have synergy with your amp and fewer boxers. If you go the Auralic route perhaps the Altair G2.2 rather than the Aries? Also since ChatGPT doesn't actually have ears it may not be a good idea to take it... | |
Woodstock 1969, or 1967? In 1967 the Dead pretty much was a garage band the improvement in 1968 is an order of magnitude. I love The Band a huge Rick Danko fan personally. | |
Would like to get more bass out of my B&W 801 series 2 speakers How was the bass before you modded the crossover? Also your room looks very difficult lots of reflective surfaces. BTW what's that big speaker in the right hand corner? | |
Frank is gone. AVA lives on! RIP Frank a true audio legend and a boon for less than wealthy audiophiles! | |
An enthusiast’s journey to Audio Note UK Though paragraphs would indeed help nice writeup mojoetoo I have a partial AN system Dac and speakers and love the sound also. And it's great your Soro can hang with level 5 E's such a killer little amp. | |
COINCIDENT FRANKENSTEIN 300B STEREO @mclinnguy Not just break-in but as you discovered tube rolling is crucial especially in an SET amp with a very simple circuit tubes make a huge difference. | |
Air Tight 300B Flame Out Yeah your tube definitely went out that's a bummer luckily WE has a warranty program. And as Jerry says try another tube in that slot to confirm it was the tube not the amp. For Air Tight service try contacting the US importer Axiss: Â https://a... | |
MissingCDs and records Hey Rvpiano sorry your hip is making things such a struggle I hope once it's fixed you can get back to fondling your records and CDs. | |
Gryphon Diablo 300 to cornwall iv That is a bit of an unlikely pairing I suspect you won't find anyone who's tried it but no reason it wouldn't work. I love horns too just watch the volume control that's a lot of wattage! | |
A cable too perfect? I'd also suggest as @lak does letting both the cables burn in for at least a few more weeks before making any changes. My only experience with AZ was their Silver Reference interconnects which I found to be a bit too soft sounding in my system. As... | |
PSVANE Mfg Co replaced my older 6SN7 CV-181 TII tubes Did your buddy use the KT88 tube for the 3 year he had it? If it failed after 3 years of use that's not really too bad. | |
Thickest Power cord with Power distributor? miracle1980 there's always one thing you can do try it both ways and see which sounds better. | |
Linear Power Supply Recommendations! I used an Sbooster with my Auralic Mini it's built like a tank and was a solid improvement. Not familiar with the Ferrum HYPSOS. | |
A great has died RIP Garth Hudson The Band one of the greatest and most underrated bands in rock history. |