

Responses from johnk

Are horns and hi-eff designs becoming more popular
Many large horns are DIY efforts. I do have 3 audio shops within a few hours drive that demo sell horn systems. But most audioshops are geared more to HT or the old dynamic with massive amps. Since I design loudspeakers of most all types not just ... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
I had the best years for klipsch when Paul was still arround all mine had alnico mags etc. My new horns use 8-15in woofers 4 per front horn with alnico comp mid horn and alnico comp tweeters. When I wake 1st thing I do is turn the big system on. U... 
Are horns and hi-eff designs becoming more popular
Honk would be a distortion. Many horns are not of proper design for hi-end music use. Some folks have had poor listening experance with PA horns,poor designed,vintage designs with failing crossovers and thin dry cabinets. So horns have got a undes... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
I wouldnt spend so much on parts. If crossover needs rebuild I would ask about on the klipsch forum bet someone could tell you where to get the most bang for your buck. I have access to many costly parts transducers etc. I kind of just threw money... 
Are horns and hi-eff designs becoming more popular
Dynamic range is one of the benifits of horns other designs sound compressed to me even driven with massive amplifiers. And I too feel the popularity of small tube and SS amplifers have had an increase in interest in horns and hi-eff designs. When... 
European Speaker Price Increase
Yes you will;) But some US manufacters are still charging way to much for what you get. With many things namebrands cost more some are worth it most are not. Keep in mind many US loudspeaker manufacters have all this [manufactering] done in China.... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
The dorfs I use take awhile to break in. But the new crossover could be showing some of the limitations of the vintage drivers etc. Many variables with crossovers- drivers etc toss in age just another to go wrong, still end result might be worth t... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
I tried many many amps pres etc while I owned the klipschs I always had other loudspeakers and systems about so easy to compare. Not saying klipsch is bad just klipsch might not be right for others. If your looking to improve on a k horn tweeters ... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
On my Klipsch I used dorf silver golds. Still wasent so hot so used fostex t900a a big step up. Still not as good as I hoped so upgraded woofers a bit better but still just ok. So damped rebuilt cabinet much better but still not as nice as my mode... 
On good sounding inductors
I havent found any. The silvers are even better. 
Emerald Physics CS-2, Opinions Please
[Because you free up your SET to do only 1000 hz up really lets you hear what a SET is all about]. I disagree philefreak a SET can produce wonderful mid-bass-bass etc if loudspeakers are up to it and Ive built - heard many that are. You enjoy your... 
Harshness in tweeters: the price of transparency?
I know of no cheap tweeters that dont exibit the problems you list. But I do know of one that doesnt have any of these problems and its a fostex t500amk2. Crossovers can also be a source of harshness in trebile. I have to use very hi-quality parts... 
Selling a favorite component to help out family
Ive sold off most all my expensive gear to pay my childs school bills for autism treatments. Still selling.....Heck I even build loudspeakers to sell to try too pay a wee bit of it. All the money KCS loudspeakers makes goes to my boys autism care. 
Lowther speakers
Fostex has better drivers availible than fe168e sig. Which as you found is not as nice as a lowther but I feel fe206esr fe208esig with tweeter or f200a to be equal or better than lowther. But YMMV 
Designer Hall of Fame
Bee Yamamura. And Nagaoka.