

Responses from johnk

Change to Horns or stay Dynamic
Paul dynamics can not equal the dynamic range of a front horn no mater how much power you feed them. It just isnt going to happen. 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Sorry confused yours with K horn. I sold my 1967 Lascalas for $900. I would sell Lascala and go Altec. 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Many alnico mag drivers about today plus now we have neodymium. I even had some fostexs with a cobolt mags. Ive collected much vintage modernized some still wasent as good as modern. But was fun and interesting plus you learn something from muckin... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Fan boys will always say what they are into is the best. Plus you get the old back in my day klipsch was the king and still nothing better. I hear the same from collectors of most all vintage items. Always was better back in the day seen through r... 
Can Ribbons be part of the s.o.t.a.?
You got it wrong transducers can be hi-quality and of diferant design no 1 transducers type is realy better than another it comes down to how the loudspeakers designed and end goal of said design not if it uses ribbons or not. Some ribbons are won... 
Line Array speakers?
Monster cable tested the HT waters with a full HT line array system university audio in madison wi purchased a few pairs after monster deceided against releasing this system. Retail was $30000 but UVA was offering arround your price range. System ... 
Are horns and hi-eff designs becoming more popular
Mapman look into Altecs a bit better than Klipsch and more affordable. 
State of the art speakers from yesteryear.
Some compression and field coil drivers and a few horns like WE. 
Are horns and hi-eff designs becoming more popular
I built 2 rooms for audio in my new home. One large other 13 1/2ft x 15 3/4 11ft H peak this has my corner horn rig with 8 -15in 4 per front horn I use as a office listening room. Other rooms 20 x 30 designed for horns 8 ft-12ft H some of my bass ... 
Are horns and hi-eff designs becoming more popular
Mapman K horns in a 12x12 room your crazy man:) a square 1 of the worst shapes for a audioroom. Placing such a large corner horn in such a small square room is just asking for disapointment. Have you treated your listening room? Might be the best ... 
Change to Horns or stay Dynamic
I went from dynamics to electrostatic and now horns. I still design dynamics but for my mains its a all front horn system. And it doesnt have a narrow sweet spot, doesnt sound like mono when out of said sweet spot,doesnt require massive room and g... 
Sub recommendations for electrostatic speakers
ML descent,Maybe Dukes swarm subsystem would work. Pretty sure hes a soundlab dealer. 
Emerald Physics CS-2, Opinions Please
For such a new speaker does seem like folks resell quickly but the economy could be responcible for some of the listings. 
300b amps bettering the midrange of the Cary 300b
wavac md300b 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Alnico magnet compression driver. Improved from pauls time I feel they where less well made after 1970s.VG email me if you want horn system pics.