

Responses from johnk

SET friendly speakers w/ slam?
Consider a custom loudspeaker you can have one designed for your budget room system and music tastes. So many new hi-eff transducers availible one can build hi-eff loudspeakers in so many ways. You could even DIY your own. 
Good Speakers for an ampless system?
Any loudspeker could be used in a ampless system you wont get any sound out of the loudspeakers;) But all designs could be used in such a system if it can be called a system without a amplifier? 
Recommendations for best most efficient speakers
tekton, hornshop got to be more, anyone else care to add to a under $1000 pair list? 
Recommendations for best most efficient speakers
Zhorn, Omega, Fritz, kcsloudspeakers, a small sample of loudspeaker manufacters offering sub $1000 med eff [arround 94db 1 watt 8ohms]loudspeaker systems. 
Is there such a speaker...(loud but smooth)?
So your going with a bookshelf!!! u so crazy man... 
Is there such a speaker...(loud but smooth)?
Look into horns do you have a price range? 
what can I get by with?
Why ? So many always wanting to try SET but not with the right loudspeakers to go with a SET. Your just asking for disapointment. Even kt88 845 SET wouldnt run your 86db loudspeakers.Sure they will make music but your not going to hear what a prop... 
Obscure companies making excellent speakers?
Zhorns another ;) 
Thoughts on adding a Super tweeter .
Most loudspeaker are not flat on axis to 20khz, off axis even less so, so many super tweeters are running in the range we can hear, we custom set crossovers but many are arround -6db at 15khz.Then phase maters but crossover 25khz higher not as much. 
Thoughts on adding a Super tweeter .
The only loudspeakers that are hard to add super tweeters to are ones with cabinets that dont allow super tweeters to be close to main drivers plus you need to beable to move the tweeter to ajust time arrival. A full range driver and horns are fai... 
Tube amps good with Emerald Physics CS2 speakers?
Dont see where running tubes into DSP makes sence. Might as well use SS. And the DSP is needed for if not no bass at all, DSP is a way to try and cheat the laws of physics. As with all things computer equiped bet these loudspeakers wont last as lo... 
Good, Affordable Horns?
Hey Mapman,Just because its a horn doesnt mean they only crank.I have a giant horn system in my office it uses 8-15in woofers in front horns with comp mid and tweeter horns. I can sit as close as 6ft from it, loudspeaker can play at a very low lev... 
Thoughts on adding a Super tweeter .
No one super tweeter for all loudspeakers, each super tweeter needs to be carefuly matched in level and crossover so no over lap,phase,time problems or boosted frequincys. The one tweeter that matchs all is just asking for grief maybe you will get... 
Obscure companies making excellent speakers?
Duke,Well said as always: 
Obscure companies making excellent speakers?