

Responses from johnk

What is your take on high efficient speakers vs. low efficient speakers?
Low-eff designs can suffer from dynamic and power compression. It's not possible for those designs to replicate the natural dynamic range that real music has and if you play those designs at a higher SPL level many have power compression.  If you ... 
Do audiophiles creat the high prices we complain about.
  I enjoy bourbon from time to time. I decided to research bourbons and also watch a few tube channels on it. I pretty much know what I like but thought of branching out a bit so I bought a good num of highly rated bourbons some costly. I found a... 
Active Speakers Better? No, per Michael Borresen
Those fearing passive networks and driver integration issues seem to be a logical choice for a full-range driver system. Since it's active. 1 amp selected to best match transducers 1 driver no network. Maybe that's where you active lovers need to ... 
Electrostatic Speakers Vs. Horn/component Tweeter
All things suffer from entropy and degrade with time. E-statics are one of the more fragile designs in loudspeakers. The panels are plastic the electrical parts that energize the panels all break down a bit faster than in conventional dynamic desi... 
What is the Best Sounding Stand Mount Speaker in the world?
No one really knows the answer.  
1992 Stereophile on speaker placement should be required reading
Radiation patterns and how the design interacts with boundaries dictate placement it's not one-way or the highway.  
A Question About Time Alignment
Time alignments are somewhat necessary for good sound but most loudspeakers are only time aligned at one listening position unless concentric or full range. Still, it's best to get proper alignments or you have a frequency imbalance, not just a ti... 
SCAM ALERT For AudiogoN Sellers - Too Many Questions
It's actually quite shocking how much information you can get from just a cell phone number. The list begins with your name and possibly address. Some other things might be: Past addresses. Relatives’ names. Where you live. Your assets and h... 
Component placement for open baffles?
I design loudspeakers I use the back wave to load the room with low bass pressure as a back-loaded horn would. My OB system is 2:32 in.    
Component placement for open baffles?
My open baffle speakers are designed for near-wall placement it depends on the overall design. I think it's a poor use of space to have loudspeakers pulled so far out into a room to function. It also greatly reduces any low bass. Feel one would be... 
Contact Enhancer Q45T
I don't use them the science doesn't support the use and if I really need a contact enhancer I would use a silver bearing dielectric grease . But I have cleaned up many cables and repaired gear damaged by the use of contact enhancers. And ... 
Outboard crossover? Why not?
I outboard my networks. And many active setups still require a passive component so the drivers don't fail.  
Why does rock concert sound suck?
The reason is nothing is analog it's all digitally processed. From the mic feed to the board the amplification many layers of processing are going on stripping the soul out of the music. But there is a bit of a rebellion going on younger guys are ... 
Contact Enhancer Q45T
I just spent 4 hours cleaning contact enhancers off cables and gear. I would not suggest using it unless you enjoy gumming up your outlet's connectors and cable ends.  
I wouldn't worry about it.