

Responses from johnk

The Wilson Audio LoKe Subwoofer.
Many audiophiles buy on name brand and cost not on actual performance. Why I don't consider myself to be an audiophile. I aim for performance not if it's approved by audiophiles and reviewers.  
Concentric drivers
Soundstage and image height, does it exist?
Stereo is an illusion imaging is a trick it’s not there your brain just thinks it is. Just like your brain thinks a moving picture exists when it’s all just still images flashed at a high rate just like you perceive motion in an animated film. If ... 
Avantgarde Duo Speaker repairs.
DIY its an easy fix.    
What is your take on high efficient speakers vs. low efficient speakers?
It's just wrong to think that hi eff doesn't do low bass I have bass horns that can bend doors and make your eyes resonate some I designed are used in military simulators to replicate explosions and gun fire. Just because in your limited experienc... 
What is your take on high efficient speakers vs. low efficient speakers?
I use most all types of amplifiers inc SET with a 6-watt SET I have horns outputting a solid 30hz and getting room lock. Those dissing SET never used them or they SET their system up to fail.  
What is your take on high efficient speakers vs. low efficient speakers?
I prefer high efficiency but I don't undersize my systems so I get bass into the 20-30hz range on most systems. I find higher eff designs to have a more realistic sound quality if done right. But many are too compromised in size. But sadly so are ... 
What Is Most Important?
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women!  
Can anyone tell me where the progress in audio went?
Much of the progress is in profits. I would put a 1940s Shearer horn up against any of the greatest of today.  
To all of the Wilson Audio owners:
Had Watt 8 while they were enjoyable they sounded a bit like a toy compared to my horn-loaded mains so I sold them after 3 months.  
Veneer delamination
Dry air can cause issues with shrinkage and delamination all real wood finishes require furniture oil. If poly coated just toss them who wants plastic over real wood?  
Speakers need to be placed close to back wall. Help
Many horn speakers can be used up against walls since their radiation patterns are controlled. I use a pair with 4- 21-inch woofers in a near-field system up against walls in my office.  
Bookshelf speakers on a bookshelf (Sad)
what about some large inwalls?  https://www.audioadvice.com/kef-ci5160rl-thx-extreme-in-wall-thx-ultra2-speaker-silver-each    
outboard crossover users, how important is the hook up wire from crossover to drivers.
An OB design can easily become a sounding board as it rocks back and forth and resonates with the music. Outboard networks have been proven to be an improvement in overall sound quality in many types of speaker an OB without a cabinet but with a n... 
What say you binding posts or direct wire?
Referring to binding posts on speakers. But if one wants I could see where a soldered connection no posts on an amp would most likely be an improvement it would just be a bit impractical to have to desolder amp from speaker to move it. A directly ...