

Responses from johnk

Types of Audiophiles
Forgot the lonely Dunning Kruger expert who posts 13000 times in a sales group.  
Questions to Klipsch Heresy IV owners
Many horns tend to sound good at low levels. And break-in is subjective best to just use and hear improvements. I haven't owned the smaller models just the top 3 from Klipsch. But have heard many other models in a good num of systems.  
Rear speakers, generally of lesser quality?
I had the best sound in my theater when I used speakers that were actually used in the theater. That being said if you can afford to its best to match the loudspeakers when doing surround still some rear surrounds are designed just for this use an... 
Sonus Faber Finish Maintenace
Walnut oil wipe on let sit a few hours and wipe it all off even if the finish is poly the wood under will absorb some oil and thus look better and last longer just use care around the drivers.  
Klipsch Speakers
Tube power may help since a few roll off a bit. You could try more toe-in an EQ or maybe some room treatment to get a proper balance to your sound.  
Just how many options does 1 need in a 2 way bookshelf design?
fuzztone thinks physics is nonsense and thus is the perfect audiophile and I salute you.   
Just how many options does 1 need in a 2 way bookshelf design?
Erik , thought you blocked me now you are back. And have you looked at my feedback? ready to retract that bull about me being your ex Kenjit?  
Just how many options does 1 need in a 2 way bookshelf design?
Erik only buys Kenjit-brand cheese.  
Just how many options does 1 need in a 2 way bookshelf design?
I have feedback going all the way to November 29, 2001 6:00am Positive Nice guy, you can trust him, very informative as well, Thanks John.   ---   urban 0 0.0% on Novembe... 
Just how many options does 1 need in a 2 way bookshelf design?
{Personally, I'd like more acoustic suspension choices} would require larger cabinets and today small is in, cheap to build, cheap to ship from China, easy to stock, and high profits on sales. They did a great job of selling small to the general p... 
Just how many options does 1 need in a 2 way bookshelf design?
Erik must enjoy a small 2-way bookshelf speaker while drinking his warm Miller Lite and eating cheddar and wonderbread sandwiches.  
Purist Audio Design 300B tube amp
I had one wonderful sound and never found another.  
Downward firing speaker port and domestic issues
I wouldn't worry the bass pressure should be similar if the ports were front or rear firing.   
Is the seated-centered solo listening to music a dated tech?
Yes and no the loudspeaker is designed to replicate a sound field using one speaker of unique design. Stereo or mono signals can be fed into the loudspeaker. I have been working on it for 7 years so who knows what I will do with it. For now, I gre... 
DAC's and the Two Ground Loop Types
Here we go again a bunch of rambling unsupported claims with poor punctuations.