

Responses from johnk

Is soundstage DEPTH a myth?
Maybe you all dont know what stereo is. something recorded using two or more channels so that the sound (seems) to surround the listener and come from more than one source.  seems give the impression or sensation of being something or having... 
Are audiophile products designed to initially impress then fatigue to make you upgrade?
Love how some audiophiles feel insulted by a discussion in an audio forum he feels all lumped in poor old sod. it's all about him. Not about voicing planned obsolesce or manufacturers trying to get attention on a filled sales floor no it's all abo... 
Is soundstage DEPTH a myth?
If the soundstage is indeed real then why do we need 2 speakers wouldn't 1 be enough? Why does this real soundstage disappear when not seated centered? If it's so real wouldn't it just always be there?  
Is soundstage DEPTH a myth?
It's not real its an illusion generated by your mind. If I play back a stereo recording in mono it doesn't have much depth though the mind tries to do so. Stereo is designed to make the mind imagine an image by using 2 spaced loudspeakers ea fed a... 
Anything more resolving than 65 year-old speakers?
https://www.audioheritage.org/html/profiles/lmco/shearer.htm  we haven't surpassed the Shearer horn it's still able to keep up with modern designs besting many.   
Are audiophile products designed to initially impress then fatigue to make you upgrade?
  I have no such issues I DIY most all my gear or I buy from very well-respected knowledgeable builders. But I do see you types living what I posted constant gear changes many complaints of not using systems or of listening fatigue. Many loudspeak... 
We should reject hard-to-drive speakers more often
So far nothing perfect has ever been found by humans in this Universe and from my understanding of physics if it did exist all molecules in our universe would be equally distributed thus we wouldn't exist. It's all variables and compromises in any... 
Are audiophile products designed to initially impress then fatigue to make you upgrade?
So this doesn't happen in audio=obsolescence achieved by frequent changes in design, termination of the supply of spare parts.     
Are audiophile products designed to initially impress then fatigue to make you upgrade?
{a policy of producing consumer goods that rapidly become obsolete and so require replacing, achieved by frequent changes in design, termination of the supply of spare parts} this describes a good portion of the audio market sure not all nothing i... 
Are audiophile products designed to initially impress then fatigue to make you upgrade?
{For you to believe that excellent manufacturers build gear to minimize useful life prematurely is misguded.} Planned obsolesce is a thing I didn’t invent this or imagine it, it exists. Audio products are mostly made from parts from many manufactu... 
Are audiophile products designed to initially impress then fatigue to make you upgrade?
Much of the modern design goes into causing a product to fail at a certain time or after certain num of uses. And it was reported by reviewers that sometimes they come across an item that's voiced to stand out but not to give long-lasting pleasure... 
Klipsch Jubilee & Klipschorn Experience
You do not need a large space for most horn speakers to integrate and horns are considered by many to be superior sounding at low SPL levels. Many who don't have experience with horn systems repeat the same bull passed about as facts. All horns do... 
Describe the "new HiFi sound"?
Thin and bright since baffles are too small loudspeakers are too small designers of such are aiming for a more flat extension on top while the rest is overly small. Thus requiring baffle step corrections, impedance correction, requiring massive po... 
Home audio or pro audio?
Pro audio invents innovates audiophile products incorporate this. Many pro audio companies are later discovered by audiophiles the prices go up so audiophiles feel secure knowing they didn't buy pro audio. lol  
un-becoming an audiophile
Audiophiles are entry-level. You can grow out of it and see the light. Ignore the weak chinless dynamics in a box for car prices ignore the 3ft tall audiophile towers ignore the cables that cost more than a nice Ducati. Ignore the giant class-A am...