

Responses from johnk

Sub-woofer fast enough for Horns?
Why not use a sub bass or bass horn? Wee little cubes with over taxed transducers and poor transients are why your not getting a good match if running horns use horns. 
Why are subwoofers so polarizing?
Because most all are far to small, need massive power and driver excursions to fart out the wee bit of bass that audiophiles think is proper. Toss in the need for boundary reinforcement and you have a totally compromised subwoofer that most all us... 
Diamond drivers
Design is the 1st order of priority. For if design is wanting the best cab network drivers are not going to improve it much. 
High Sensitivity Speakers that work best with SS
I have 2 hi eff systems running on SS amplification there are many SS amps and hi eff loudspeakers that work well together. 
Building a house with dedicated stereo room-advice
What about your transformer off main line? Do you share it? is it old? Are you in a urban area? What about the line from transformer is it lower gauge old or new? I would suggest a separate service for audio room all outlets run direct to breaker ... 
Why do my Opera Secondas sound soooo bright?????
Look into baffle step correction you will see what I say is true baffles are just to small on the wee bookshelf and do not support the lower wave lengths of the tweeter thus bright sounding. 
Big, big room -- which 10-20k speakers?
You will need a very large horn loudspeaker or line array to fill such a space. Maybe consider used or custom built in your price range. 
blown amp - vintage speaker the culprit?
Not the loudspeakers faulty seems more like user error or amp issues not related to loudspeakers 
Why do my Opera Secondas sound soooo bright?????
Baffles are too small 
Which Rel subwoofer
I think there very over priced for performance given. 
vintage speakers
JBL Jubal, l 300, Altec model 15 19 these are good choices but not the only models from JBL and Altec that are worth owning. 
vintage speakers
Altec JBL EV 
How to get the impact of a live concert?
Thermal compression the ignored factor and why many systems start to sound fatiguing after a 1/2 hour or so of use, Impressive sounding at 1st, hard sound after some use. Most think its there ears or there just tired of listening. But to me hi eff... 
Audiophile Speakers with 25 yr + Longevity
Tar fabric or paper is the longest lasting surround material not rubber. 
Audiophile Speakers with 25 yr + Longevity
Most loudspeakers made today and if of hi quality should last 15-25 years. I have loudspeakers from the 1930s that still meet spec.