

Responses from johnk

What is the best planar or electrostatic speaker?
A fully horn loaded one lol 
subwoofer for music?
REL are very cheaply made and over hyped. 
Price Increases
Most buy name brands that are well established and since buying name you usually don't get much value. 
Shocking 3D sound in 2 channel
With my system it happens with every use does not sound like there on or sound emanating from loudspeaker just a sound stage wall to wall front to back image in center clear as a bell. One issue with conventional dynamic designs or dipoles is the ... 
Aletec 604's for LCR for 5.1 surround
I use RCA LC1A for center and RCA MI Shearers for RL wbins for rear works wonderful go for it. 
Price Increases
Also seems many are aiming for where they think customers are still left with disposable income. Tossing in less sales you end up selling less units for higher price just to pay the bills. Think you will see a great thinning of the herd in hi end ... 
Price Increases
Material and shipping costs all have increased parts vendors are increasing prices and have been doing so for sometime. So only was a matter of time before manufacturers have to pass it on to consumer. 
Super Tweeters
Can cause destructive interference due to to far a distance between drivers and from drivers covering some of the same frequency not to mention the time error. Then you have the very limited efficiency of most ST again not going to match your loud... 
Super Tweeters
Super tweeters need to be design for particular loudspeaker used not just off the shelf one size fits all. More to it than just setting a box on your loudspeakers and saying good enough if you understand how they interact with the rest of the loud... 
Calling all Horn lovers
Thanks for the kind words I like to live large. 
When is a Listening Room Too Big
I've built large med small rooms for audio use the large is fun with giant horns but at times the size makes it less cozy and intimate. Can be a bit harder to relax in a large space. My largest is about size you list but with taller sloped ceiling... 
Calling all Horn lovers
Always watching always watching 
Calling all Horn lovers
Go get-em Duke! 
Loudspeaker Cross-Overs and the Recording Arts
I mostly use minimal networks with robust transducers but 24db and other slopes all have a use. Depends on designers end goal. 
Anyone tighten up drivers occasionally
Once you mess with them you've probably over tighten thus the fastener will back out and loosen you shouldn't need to tighten screws those suggesting it be done have little understanding on how fasteners work. I have loudspeakers near 90 years old...