Responses from jmcgrogan2
What's with the odd pricing? I've posted ads like that, it's an attention grabber. Sure, I could post an item for $700, but $692.68 gets a lot more attention.I even get emails asking me how I determine the pricing. LOL!Heck, look, you even started a post on the forums about it!! | |
Do they make a quiet great sounding phono pre amp?? @mechans , many manufacturers do not post list prices on their websites. If you are interested, contact Mehran at Sorasound, he is a Klyne dealer.Yes, the Klyne website hasn't changed in the 12+ years that I've been looking at it. I would guess th... | |
Single ended vs xlr balanced The only absolute in this hobby is that there are no absolutes.I’ve been down the balanced road and down the single ended road.Just as with everything else in life, they all have their positives and negatives. | |
Is Audio nirvana real? Audio nirvana is real, but not's a state of mind. | |
What is going on? No-one buys good stuff priced right. I could tack the paypal fee on the sale price initially, but that doesn't make sense to me, because once you list a price, that is the price. 99.9% of the time, the list price is NOT the price. | |
Single ended vs xlr balanced "Not sure if I see any conclusion..."@tatyana69 , welcome to AudiogoN! You will find no definitive conclusions here, only a myriad of opinions.You are neither wrong nor right for favoring balanced interconnects. Enjoy the music. | |
Need a new Integrated amp for Plinius Rm25XL's I see a Plinius 9100 integrated amp on Audiogon for $1326. | |
Would you go all 1 brand for electronics? @erik_squires , well on your original post you said: If you had to choose, from source to amp, a single brand, what would it be? Of course your paying for it, so keep the cost in mind. :) Since most folks are paying for it, that is probably wh... | |
So Long It's Been Good To Know Ya Interesting stanwal, I never tried using brass points on my SDS. I wound up preferring the Walker Audio Motor Controller, which uses brass points and isolation/damping. Perhaps the SDS would have faired better had I tried using the brass points. | |
Can a buyer back out with no penalty? +1 mofi. Leave negative feedback so others are aware of this "tire-kicker". I also like the $100 deposit to audition philosophy.As for accepting cash, I have always accepted cash. However, if it is from an untrustworthy source, I recommend having ... | |
Would you go all 1 brand for electronics? Well your post is a bit confusing, as it asks a couple of different questions:Would you go all 1 brand of electronics?No.Though I am currently running a VAC integrated amp, I am using a Allnic phono stage because it is better than the internal VAC... | |
Soundtracks that you listen all the way through and it's all great. Dances with Wolves - not such a great movie, but great soundtrackPhantom of the Opera (more play than movie soundtrack, cheating?)Dazed and Confused | |
Looking for my first tube amplifier, help appreciated. I'd think a used BAT VK-60 would be right in your wheelhouse, less than $2K and 60 wpc. Caution: They do run quite hot. | |
So Long It's Been Good To Know Ya I see the SDS listed under "Products" >"Machines". I see no reference to the ADS. | |
Speakers with warm treble and good bass +1 soix, I am also a bit surprised at the OP's take on the Vandy’s. They have always sounded warm and punchy when I have heard them. Dynaudio is a good recommendation. Also, if looking used, look for a pair of Soliloquy speakers. Vienna Acoustics ... |