

Responses from jmcgrogan2

Original Hydra vs Hydra 8 newer units
I second Pat's (Rx8man) assessment. Which you prefer would be up to your own musical tastes. The original Hydra tended to be more musically involving, while the newer ones are more transparent. I prefer and own an original Hydra.I also have no pro... 
What sounds best integrated or separates?
04-01-07: Pawlowski6132I believe we should admit that, theoretically, integrateds should sound better than separates. Reality CAN be very different though.When evaluating theoretically, one has to look at all aspects. You list the positive attibut... 
The best of Biggest, Baddest monster amps ...
Hasn't this thread already been done?John 
One TT, 2 arms, 2 cartridges for $2,000 used?
I agree with Swampwalker. If you want, you could get two very different phono cables, one for resolution and one for warmth. This would probably be the best way to get two different sounds under $2K, IMHO.John 
Tube Preamps...I'm sold
Work/travel/family commitments.....typical non-audio bs. 
Tube Preamps...I'm sold
I waited 32 days for Ref 3 to arrive, and now I have to wait 3 more days until I can set it up. I hope it's worth the wait. C'mon Monday..........As for looks, it's OK. I've seen better, I've seen worse.It's decent enough looking, but I do wish it... 
How do you pay? Why?
I agree with Tvad. As a buyer, the only advantage that Paypal offers is that you can use a credit card for private sale. I've had two major 'problems', when buying on AudiogoN. I've actually had more 'problems', but it only becomes a 'major' probl... 
What sounds best integrated or separates?
Well fortunately for you, there is no deadline to make a decision. Take your time, search the archives, and have fun. The journey is the adventure. 
Bluray owners- Which connection to get best sound?
Chris,Thanks, but I would never buy a preamp with DAC's in it. To be honest, I rarely (once every couple months) even turn on the receiver, or run through my preamp. I'm not worried about perfect audio calibration. I rarely watch movies on a disc,... 
What sounds best integrated or separates?
This is a very tricky question. It is all system dependant. What sounds better, a two box preamp and amp, or the four box ASR 'integrated' amp? Many preamps themselves are integrated, having built in phono stages and/or power supplies. How far sep... 
How do you pay? Why?
MO or check if I absolutely trust the seller, and/or the item isn't too pricey (>$1000). If the seller is hard to get a handle on, or seems clandestint, and/or the item is a large purchase, I always use a credit card through Paypal. Paypal itse... 
Regardless of how much you've spent...
Sometimes I love this hobby, sometimes it is a chore. The last three months have been a chore. Too many problems to even start writing a list like Justlisten did. I feel your pain Justlisten.Better days are ahead I hope. Next time I get my system ... 
Bluray owners- Which connection to get best sound?
All of the above?I have the HDMI going to my 50" plasma. Then I have the FR & FL analog outputs going into my preamp, Sub analog output to sub. Then I have the coax digital out put going to my receiver to drive the surrounds. Simple as mud. Pr... 
Capacitors for BAT VK-60
Damaradona, I see that you are new here and this is your first thread. Welcome to AudiogoN. I say 'we' because 'we' are the AudiogoN members who generally respond to threads posted on AudiogoN. Most of us 'regulars' refer to ourselves as 'we' when... 
Preamp with lots of outputs?
I can tell you which really is the king idiot, and refer you to my source.Doug_kraz Don't worry, the king idiot is abundantly clear.03-27-07: PhdMy vote is for every negative person to leave this thread, go home & sleep on it. I concur. Doug,...