Responses from jmcgrogan2
Best CD player money can buy ? MBL, Nagra, Naim? Chuck,The ARC Ref 3 is a preamp. You probably either meant the older ARC Ref CD-7 which lits for $8995.If money wasn't an object, I'd probably check out the APL NWO 2.5, which I believe sells for a cool $25K.John | |
Lp playback rituals You have to have some kind of carbon fiber brush.Then you could probably use a Zerodust stylus cleaner.That should get you started for around $70.Cheers,John | |
The Cost of Cables Will anyone be happier if they know the REAL reason?Just wondering...Tvad I know the real reason: CapitalismCable technology is Capitalism at it's finest.Call it 'Capitalism Gone Wild'. :)Chrisla, great idea. Though once we get started, I may want... | |
The Cost of Cables The only "problem" I have with your scenario about R&D costs is that it is the same for the rest of the industry.BrianBelieve me, I can't justify the cost of cables at all. I'm just saying that those that I have heard try to explain it, point ... | |
The Cost of Cables I wouldn't say that I have now gotten a grasp of this situation, I already felt this way; I was open to being shown I am wrong. BrianBrianmgrarcom Certainly the results could not have surprised you though Brian, could they? I would have been stunn... | |
The Cost of Cables Well said Brian. Now you seem to grasp the situation.That being said, I don't have inexpensive cables/cords, I'm probably over the old 20% ratio that cable manufacturers intiated 20 years ago (blame power cords).However, I still cannot understand ... | |
The Cost of Cables 04-06-07: BrianmgrarcomThe question is not whether they make a difference or not but rather why do they cost as they do. What makes the more expensive ones, more expensive?Sigh......because people WANT them to be more expensive. Simple, basic econ... | |
Custom Audio Cabinets Steve Blinn Designs and Timbernation are two small quality companies.John | |
The Cost of Cables Regardless of the price of the cables, it is neither financially or psychologically the main purchase, Cwlondon Actually, look around this site some more, you may be surprised. Some are using cables as expensive, if not more expensive, than their ... | |
The Cost of Cables I think the cable prices are inflated more than any other area of audio. They don't have the nickname 'wire bandits' for nothing.Having said that though, ultimately, the fault lies with the consumer. If I only had a cable for every manufacturer th... | |
Lyra Helikon SL Opinions? Halcro, FWIW, I agree with you. I went from a Lyra Helikon to a ZYX UNIverse, and I'm very happy.I haven't heard either the Titan i or the Skala though.Between Thomas and your posts, it sounds like the Titan i isn't even worth trying out. I would ... | |
MC Phono Stage w/ Attenuator?? Well, since no price was ever mentioned, I'll go ahead and mention the Manley Steelhead. :)John | |
What sounds best integrated or separates? No, I suppose they don't HAVE to have a larger power supply. Generally they do though. Also, it not just the size of the power supply, it's the ability to have multiple power supplies. Just as having more dedicated lines gives your components bett... | |
external power supplies I believe it is a theoretical advantage on today's line stages. Back in the days of real preamps (with built in phono stages), a seperate supply had real value. The smaller the signal, the more it needed to be sheilded from magnetic interfence fro... | |
Lyra Helikon SL Opinions? Thomas,I'm curious, have you compared the Skala to the Titan i?Is the 5th generation Skala better than the 4th generation Titan i?John |