Responses from jmcgrogan2
Rowland Model 6 monoblocks - my thoughts Jeff.....Dude....relax, I was just joking. I think you probably got a great deal on the preamp, like you did on my amps. Hopefully you will live happily ever after. There is no doubt in my mind that you will now have a more neutral sound than your... | |
a tube amplifier repair technician 03-18-08: MrjstarkThe only question is, if I had to remove the amps myself or take the speakers to Bobs' place. Well, he might think that I am crazy .....Well the only one who can really answer that question is Bob. Give him a call.Cheers,John | |
Rowland Model 6 monoblocks - my thoughts Congrats on the 'new' preamp Jeff. Kids.....I know about stinking kids....if it weren't for my three boys I'd have had the money to keep them JRDG Model 6's as my spare amps....I hope the Muse works out well for you (though I still say go tubes :)... | |
Golden Dragon Interconnects Trial I know Audiogon members Electro77 and Freejazz have had the Golden Dragons in their system and have been mighty impressed. You might try contacting them off-line.As to the lack of press coverage, they are relatively new. It takes time for word and... | |
Highest component/cable ratio? Mijknarf, consider yourself a very lucky man, I envy you. Hearing differences can have very expensive side effects. :)Cheers,John | |
Is there a very nice SS amp around 1K? Jim, you did not say that you were originally looking for a truely balanced amp. It would have been a revelation had you mentioned this.If you choose to limit yourself to fully balanced amps less than $1K, I would say to go ahead and look for the ... | |
Any new users of the Audience 03-11-08: SherodYes, I agree that you would think that Audience would be promoting more this new "e"(enhancement) technology. They are doing some serious advertising for their new Auricap T teflon cap, however.I believe that is because from what I... | |
Is there a very nice SS amp around 1K? I'm glad you are enjoying the RSA Haley Jim, it does not surprise me that you chose it. It's quite a bargain, IMHO.As for the amp, I recommended the Odyssey Stratos because of ALL of the criteria you originally listed. SS, around $1K, XLR & RC... | |
Best Integrated Amplifier Made at the USA I would second Rhljazz's VAC PHI Beta reco, except that is now a discontinued model, not a current one. VAC has no integrated amps in their current line up.That being said, I'd probably recommend the BAT VK-300xSE.Cheers,John | |
Is there a very nice SS amp around 1K? Try to find a used Odyssey Stratos, should find one in your price range.Cheers,John | |
Any new users of the Audience I also tried the original AU24 speaker cables a couple of years ago in a somewhat different system. I also felt they were too warm for my tastes. That is a good review though. May have to see if I can 'find' a "e" pair to audition.Cheers,John | |
Highest component/cable ratio? 03-10-08: NewbeeJohn, If you don't want to hear the differences, just don't listen for them. Just run with the same set of cables/IC's and you can be blissfully ignorant (or really smart). :-)Good advice Newbee, but it's too late now. I'll go back... | |
Highest component/cable ratio? 03-09-08: MijknarfHey Paul, I want to hear the difference, but just plain can't.I have the opposite problem. I don't want to hear a difference, but I do. I could certainly save a whole bunch of dough with some plain jane i/c's. I've heard 'good va... | |
Rowland Model 6 monoblocks - my thoughts Balanced ouput impedence of 90 ohms and 45 ohms unbalanced should work really well with the Model 6's. Those output impedences are almost SS like in nature, which is also one of the complaints about SF gear, is that they are tube, but sound too mu... | |
ARC Reference 3 preamp: tube character? I agree fully with Guidocorona's assertations of the ARC Ref 3, and yes I am an owner. If you are looking for tube-like sweetness, this is not the preamp for you. It definitely has the 'fuzz on the peach' tube like palpability to me, but is not 's... |