

Responses from jmcgrogan2

Supporting Local Audio Stores are we?
01-16-09: Mrtennishi john:i'm surprised that you haven't found several components that you are willing to keep for a period of five years.Five years is a lifetime in this hobby, especially with so many toys to try. Currently my oldest component is... 
I'm curious to know how many of the audiophiles out there are actual musicians, or have formally studied music?I studied the Accordian for 5 years, Mom was a Lawrence Welk fan. If so, what is your primary instrument or vocation?I don't currently ... 
Supporting Local Audio Stores are we?
Great post Rella, and a valid point about the way audio stores used to be the 'AudiogoN forums' before the internet. The internet has changed many types of business though, not just audio. Of the two small audio stores near me, one owner is not a ... 
Player that excels at imaging..
01-15-09: SpazSo you think upgrading a power cord will be better then a whole new unit?Maybe, maybe not. That's what makes this hobby so much fun. I have heard many different electronic gear, cables, power cords, speakers, etc. in the last 30+ yea... 
Difference between Plinius Sa-100mklll and Sa-102?
Macd, the older SA-100 mk III is slightly warmer than the SA-102. The SA-102 is slightly more revealing than the 100 mk III. Sonically they are closer to each other than your Classe integrated. Also, each will provide more power than you Classe in... 
next CD Player
Marantz SA-14 V2.Cheers,John 
Supporting Local Audio Stores are we?
Chadnliz, if that wasn't meant for me, I apologize. As I read it I was the only 'John' on the thread. Yes, it is a common name (thanks Mom), but I was unaware of your inside joke. As to 'who am I?', I seem to have been here much longer than you, t... 
Player that excels at imaging..
Yeah, I thought the EMM Labs stuff was out of your price range, which is why I recommended the VD power cord......much cheaper, but will give you a similar performance change. 
Supporting Local Audio Stores are we?
01-11-09: ChadnlizJohn, man up and clean that snot off your shirt!That might be insulting if it came from a real man, considering the source, all I can do is LMAO. 
Supporting Local Audio Stores are we?
What's a Local Audio Store??? Seriously though, the big one by me went under a couple of years ago, and no, I was not supporting it. There are a couple of smaller stores by me now, and I'll buy a couple of nick-nacks here and there, but no major g... 
Tube pre amp with phono stage and remote
A couple come to mind. A McIntosh C-2200, an older CAT preamp (SL1 mk III?), or a VAC Standard each of which are offered with a a MM phono stage If you're looking for a MM/MC phono stage, look for a Supratek Syrah or a Joule Electra.Cheers,John 
Player that excels at imaging..
I've heard dozens of different kinds of power cords, but I've only heard one power cord give the kind of performance that you seem to be looking for, Virtual Dynamics. Now I'm not a big fan of VD cords/cables, as that front row presentation is not... 
looking for interconnect under 200 dollars
Cyclonicman, I never said that Danovak should not try Anti-cables, I just objected to Stringreen's statment of "No Question".Anyone who has spent any time in these forums/hobby knows that synergy is everything and NOTHING is beyond question.Some h... 
How many great CDs do you have?
MrT, you certainly are the MF in this thread. 
looking for interconnect under 200 dollars
Hello again MrT, I do believe that we have done this dance before in another thread. Yes, there is no substitute for listening to a component or cable in one's own system...I agree. However, I do believe that we can limit the choices from 10,000 t...