
Responses from jji666

Home network Fibre optic vs Ethernet
Actual network professionals will tell you that you're not going to get a sound bump from fiber. Or any change in networking as long as the data is getting there. There may be edge cases where poorly designed or malfunctioning devices have some po... 
Am I wasting money on the theory of Bi-amping?
I have actively bi-amplified my Magnepan 3-series using an external active crossover (Marchand). You have to have a decent crossover or it’s a waste. My take was that the active bi-amping was a complete sea change in sound. As it should be since ... 
80s Levinson Gear - Best Repair/Refurbish?
This is a 3.5 year old thread but I haven't done anything yet - I have newer gear of similar quality that works fine and I've been using that. If I recall correctly, the repair price quoted from a Levinson authorized repair center for the ML 23 w... 
I have perfected my network for the nth time
Some people just troll these sites looking for arguments.  That's not fair.  You post because you want feedback. But you only want the feedback that agrees with you.      
I have perfected my network for the nth time
 I find it very sad that you and your ilk refuse to just trust your ears because they are the finest measurement devices we have. The ears are fine.  Expectation bias in the brain is the problem - what our ears hear cannot be easily converted i... 
I have perfected my network for the nth time
What is this based upon, “your” understanding?  If so, are you saying it’s false until proven true?  And by extension your understanding is truth for all?  There’s a vast chorus of voices who’s empirical evidence (tried it themselves) say otherwi... 
I have perfected my network for the nth time
 a cable cannot create emf, there needs to be some sort of radiation, internal or external, and the cable can be influenced or even act as an antenna. Yes...for the record I wasn't saying a cable could create EMF, merely that I have seen bona f... 
What do you hear with a better/bigger power supply and output capacitors in same amp?
OP, keep in mind that bridging stereo amps into mono isn't a free lunch.  For example many stereo amps don't do well bridged into 4 ohm loads.  You need amps rated stable down to 2 ohms do that. Monoblocks typically are not bridged stereo amps, t... 
I have perfected my network for the nth time
I have read from true networking experts that while network cabling itself is clearly bi-directional, it’s possible that shielding at one end could create EMF or other electrical issues that could create the illusion of a directional cable. I’ve s... 
Crossing Left and Right Speakers
It's hard to believe you get anything other than a mirror image.  However, I do see the point about familiar music and the room not being symmetrical.  I can imagine that your ear is trained for a specific image and it would seem like a different ... 
UPS Driver Literally Drops Package with New Hana Umami Red
That drop is so nothing.  The driver didn't even wind up!   
Pee Wee Herman has passed away
May he rest in the adult theater of his choice.  
Any Advice for those Listening to Youtube Reviewers?
Wow, K-Mart and Service Merchandise. That's a trip down memory lane.  Remember Green Stamps?  
As A Youngster, What Unit Puqued Your Interest In All This?
My brother's R2R and 4 Quadraflex speakers with 12" woofers.  That could fill a room...  
Bad news for home theater enthusiasts
If anyone on either side of this petty insult-fest thinks they are coming out looking better than the other side, think again.  There was a real discussion to be had here, Sidetracked and disrupted by maybe 5th grade level ad hominem attacks?  Se...