
Responses from jig

Tubes and light weight bass
These speakers were voiced with class A solid state amplification and are capable of amazing bass slam and authority. Suggest ditching your amps and getting an Usher 1.5 amp if you like the speakers. Keep the tube preamp. I heard them at RMAF 2006... 
Tube amps vs solid state for large speakers
Music Reference RM-9Mk2. It is 125wpc single chassis stereo amp. Very powerful sounding and dependable. Does get hot though as it is biased class A up to about 25 watts. Powers the crap out of my VR-4's. About 1500-1800 used. 
Tubes to solid state for amplifier path...
My 50" plasma is not tube based, but the sucker gives off some serious heat from the top rear. It will heat up my Florida room 3-5 degrees if left on for several hours. 
bookshelf speaker choice
There is a pair of Selah RC3 ribbons for sale for $695. IMO this speaker is in a different (better) league altogether than the speakers mentioned. Also it is quite a bit larger and heavier. More like a stand mount monitor. I would buy them myself,... 
Line Array Speakers info please
Try AV123.com and check out the LS-6 and Ls-9 which easily fall into your budget. I cannot recommend these enough at their price point. 
Von Schweikert VR4-JR
Easiest way to troubleshoot this is to try a different set of speakers. If the buzz goes away, it is the VR's. If it is the VR's, connect only the bass module and play bass heavy music. You may find that something on/in the cabinet is buzzing. If ... 
Moving away from tubes. Is this a good idea?
I have a Jungon JA-88D in my second system. My room is very similiar in size to yours. Since purchasing this integrated, my modded Sonic Frontiers Line One (tube preamp) and Golden Tube Se-40 (80wpc tube monoblocks) have been getting dusty and gar... 
RMAF: My favorites, so-so's, and disappointments
Aktchi,The 1801's that Dave had at the show were indeed floorstanders. I believe it is a $200 upcharge and IMO the way to go. E-mail Dave for info. 
RMAF: My favorites, so-so's, and disappointments
Johngp, I believe the specs for the Pulserod are on the Sonicweld web site. Sorry but the Emerald Physics room does not ring a bell. Nice job on the cables as the GR/Dodd room sounded great. Hopefully you can attend next year. On another note, the... 
RMAF: My favorites, so-so's, and disappointments
It just goes to show you that everyone hears something different and listens for different elements in the sound to communicate the musical message. I found the sound in the Acapella Triolon room to be excessively bass heavy, boomy and very lackin... 
is RMAF worth a trip
I went last year and had a great time. I walked into many rooms from $5,000-$150,000 and in most cases I was asked if I brought anything that I would like them to play. Try that at the other shows. Small venue so walking is minimal. The hotel is g... 
Tube preamp noise question
The sounds you are describing definitely sound like the tubes are bad. I would try all new tubes. If you are lucky enough to have an audio buddy with some tube spares, maybe you can try them. PS: what is your amplifier? 
Best String Cheese Incident CD to start with.....
My favorites are "Breathe" Keller Williams with the String Cheese Incident and "Outside Inside". 
Has anyone heard the Usher Threshold R 1.5 amp?
I heard this amp with various Usher speakers at RMAF 2006 and to say I was impressed is an understatement. Tonally, the amp is tubelike in it's presentation, yet very dynamic and punchy sounding. Also, excellent build quality and looks. It weighs ... 
Considering doing Chinese
Just make sure they don't put any MSG in it. You will be very thirsty after listening to music and not know why.