
Responses from jig

What is a "SHOTGUN" speaker cable??
If you look at a shotgun, you will notice that it has 2 barrels. Basically, shotgun speaker cable is a double run of cable terminated into one connection at the speaker and amp ends. This differs from bi-wire which usually implies 1 connection at ... 
How to clean Analysis Plus T1 spades ?
I cleaned the spades with xxxx steel wool followed by Caig de-ox it and then pro-gold. They look like new now. While I was at it, I cleaned all the speaker/amp connections and the rag was very black with residue after. Hooked everything back up an... 
What is " lowball"
To me OBO means I would like to get my asking price. If I can not get this price, then what is your offer? Most reasonable buyers typically offer my asking price. If they have a good vibe, I typically will pick up or offer to split shipping if the... 
Causes of long term listening fatigue?
I had a very mellow sounding system (read uninvolving) and finally decided to upgrade the speakers. I have tried to tame the highs for the past 2 years because these speakers brought a lot of new things to the listening experience. One of these ne... 
Tube Whine noise...Please Help
Odds are that the tubes installed have thermionic emissions, i.e. the sound you are hearing. Try a different pair and see what happens. 
speaker for golden tube se-40 amp
Realhifi makes a claim that is totally untrue. The Se-40 is an excellent amp when mated with the right speaker.Try to stay with speakers that do not dip below 6 ohms and efficiency is a plus as well. If you don't, the amp will sound somewhat anemi... 
VSA VR4 Gen III SE biamp questions.
You have a couple of options. The first thing I would recommend is to get a tube amp. This will flesh out the mids and most likely expand the soundstage. If you don't listen that loud you could probably get away with 30 wpc. You will need some way... 
Are Wilson speakers
I suggest you try the Totems in your big rig . I wouldn't worry about blowing them, you are just comparing them to the Wilsons for tonal differences etc. After you do this, put the Jolida in the big rig and compare the sound. If the Wilsons still ... 
Music Reference RM9 - user comments please
I have owned 3 of these. Every time I sold it, I would miss it and buy another. I have currently owned my last one for approx. 6 years with not an ounce of trouble. These amps are built to last and do run hot as they are biased heavily into class ...