
Responses from jhills

McIntosh fuse changeout to make better sound
Replacing a fuse or even twisting the existing fuse back and forth in its holder will make a difference, if the component has ben in service for a long period of time. As George pointed out, after many cycles of off and on, the electrode can burn ... 
Power strips- too many choices
Having lived in an area with a bad off grid power supply, I can affirm the need for surge and drop out protection. A direct short encountered in a transformer, caused a mega volt surge that took out most of the electronics and appliances of everyo... 
Take that to good will
Yes, your outdated tube stuff, vinyl and CDs, you can throw my way.Jim 
The Future of Speakers?
@gsal  Interesting post.Who would have thought, 20 years ago, that most of the audio business, particularly in the performance end, but even in the studios and more and more, into our homes - would be going wireless.This audio wave beaming is quit... 
How I'd spend money given no limits
Considering that I am quite happy with my dedicated audio room, I would leave it pretty much as is, but would definitely make some upgrades to my system. If I had a large sum of money to dedicate to nothing but audio, for me, in the space that I h... 
Does Power Cord Require Burn-In To Sound Good?
@mahlman  I put a heat strip around my power cables to maintain a minimum of 150 degrees F WOW! This keeps getting more bizarre all the time....Jim 
Does Power Cord Require Burn-In To Sound Good?
Clarification: Most amps, pre-amps CPDs and DACs do sound better after a period of warm up (usually 20 - 30 min. for tubed gear and sometimes several hours for SS gear) and most equipment will sound marginally better after a period of break in - h... 
Does Power Cord Require Burn-In To Sound Good?
My advice: If you bought a $5K amp and it doesn't sound good with the cord it came with, but you think supplying it with a $5K power cord will make it sound great - save your $5K and buy an amp. that has a decent power supply and sounds great with... 
Audiophile demographics?
It might have something to do with women's uncanny ability to be up and about doing this or that and still catch most of what's going on wether on the TV or the HI FI. While we both enjoy a good video and music, getting my wife to set in one place... 
What sends shivers down your spine when you play it on your system?
@justmetooI just had a listen to several cuts from Allan Taylor's "Hotels & Dreamers"and completely concur. Very nice!@steviewunda  And if I haven't lowered the tone enough, try this :-0 Can't understand anything he's singing, but love the mus... 
Speaker Positioning
Also, I might add, it is crucial to keep track of and document your measurements and changes, so when you do find a set up that seems to work best, you can go back to that exact set up if you do more experimenting and moving things around. Now tha... 
Speaker Positioning
With my Maggie 1.7s, I use a tape measure, measuring from the wall behind to the front baffle on ea. side of the speaker. Each speaker is set at 415/8"  inside edge of front baffle to wall and 421/2" from outside edge of front baffle to wall (maki... 
What sends shivers down your spine when you play it on your system?
There are many, but these are some that stand out: Just about everything on MFSL's 1972 Original Master Recording of Neil Diamond's "Hot August Night" Live at the Greek; Van Morrison's "Avalon Sunset" especially the last track "These are the Days"... 
Looking for more detail in a speaker
For detail and imaging, without the harshness I've heard with some of the titanium tweeter speakers I've auditioned, for the price I've not found anything even close to the price that sound as full musical and detailed, nor with as large and well ... 
Warm romantic & detailed
I have a long love for electrostats and planers. I have a pair of the Maggie 1.7s. in a medium sized room (14'W x 27'D with a 8'-10' cathedral ceiling). At first I found them to be a bit bright and used a 1ohm resistor in place of the original sol...