
Responses from jhills

Wow, $10k+ cables
Just seeing if you were on your toes roxy :-) Good job....Jim  
Wow, $10k+ cables
@rspyder They are either disgruntled with their lot in life (e.g. a spouse who wears the proverbial pants, a wallet that squeaks so loud they hate to open it, etc.) or their skills of self-persuasion require constant exercising with selfish expect... 
Wow, $10k+ cables
Actually Roxy, you wasn’t voicing an opinion, you was insulting the OP and others participating. If you don’t like cable threads, you are not obligated to follow or participate in them - just move along to something else that interests you. ;-) ..... 
Wow, $10k+ cables
@roxy54You weren't specifically invited, if you don't like the thread - stay away...Jim 
Wow, $10k+ cables
While I do believe there is a difference in cables and cables can be system dependent, I will say what I have always said: Everyone is free to spend what they want or what they can on their hobby but the fact is: No where else is there used $1K+ p... 
Does Age Matter?
I'm now pushing very close to 70 and started my journey into nice home audio some 40 years ago. I still have a large collection of vinyl and keep my eyes open for clean old vinyls at thrift stores and flea markets and occasionally still pick up a ... 
McIntosh fuse changeout to make better sound
McIntosh fuse changeout to make better sound
WOW millercarbon - sorry to bruise your tender ego.Still, I’ll stick with the opinions and sound advise of those on here who actually build audio components (not $5K IC cables and power cords or $150.00 fuses and outlet covers) and the opinions of... 
McIntosh fuse changeout to make better sound
@nonoise I never said or implied that anyone needs regularly change out their fuses, but that if you changed out your old fuse and by some miracle heard a starteling difference by putting in one of the magic fuses. you would have heard the same di... 
Power strips- too many choices
+1 on the Hammond power strips....Jim 
McIntosh fuse changeout to make better sound
Interesting scenario, not a fuse, but the same point.Was just out watering and the hose connection, at the outdoor water faucet, was leaking - in spite of making sure the hose was screwed on tight. My wife brought me a new rubber washer, worth may... 
McIntosh fuse changeout to make better sound
@audio2designYou're right, a good connection is important. A hospital grade outlet receptacle is designed and built under strict  quality standards and made to provide a secure and lasting contact. A hospital grade receptacle costs around $20.00, ... 
McIntosh fuse changeout to make better sound
Also, nonoise, in case you haven't noticed, the other components in your audio gear are Soldered at the points of connection or are printed circuit boards. Anything that is made to be removed, including the pins on your tubes, can become oxidized ... 
McIntosh fuse changeout to make better sound
Hate to brake the news, but audio fuses and fuse holders have the same function and basic design as they have had for the past 40 years and any contact connection that is made to be removed or replaced is susceptible to oxidation and corrosion, in... 
McIntosh fuse changeout to make better sound
Replacing a fuse or even twisting the existing fuse back and forth in its holder will make a difference, if the component has ben in service for a long period of time. As George pointed out, after many cycles of off and on, the electrode can burn ...