
Responses from jhills

Clean Power without the drawbacks of Conditioning Filtering. Advice?
@lowrider57   I guess nobody noticed my recommendation at the top of the thread.Would probably work fine for intended purpose, but why spend $20.00 when you could spend $10K......Jim 
Clean Power without the drawbacks of Conditioning Filtering. Advice?
@lowrider57..... Yep I think this thread lost OP. I don't think he had $10K power re-generators in mind when he ask for a simple solution to gaining an extra 8 ft of extension from his outlet to location of equipment. No filtering, no power condit... 
Speakers positionning
With my little Maggie 1.7s, I find my best sweet spot and out of the sweet spot listening is with them very slightly toed in (about 5 deg.) 5 ft. apart (about 6.5' from center to center) 42" from front wall, with the tweeter ribbons to the outside... 
Wolf, there’s a song about You and Elizabeth (or at least your satire) "Oh Lord Its Hard To Be Humble" Mac Davis, 1974Jim  
Judging from the many threads of late, suggesting that us lowly, lower ranked audio enthusiasts, or the public in general, somehow despise both, those with the means to buy the most pricey stuff and their uber expensive systems - I’d say it seems ... 
Beware of new material claims - the case of graphene
 @asvjerry                                   "Don't Drink the Graphene!"  "one-molecule strand across a doorway would slice one in half"WOW! You just gave them two wonderful, or not so wonderful, new  ideas for the use of Graphene:A Powdered Graph... 
Accuracy vs. musicality
A while back, I had a chance to audition several, highly reviewed and totted speakers. One of the speakers that I spent some time with, was a $12K pr. of Raidhos - a smaller 2 way with dedicated stands. With their ceramic drivers, the little Raidh... 
Beware of new material claims - the case of graphene
@ geoffkaitThat was an interesting and impressive video. Samsung is developing  the use of graphene to produce a rapid charge battery. Utilizing graphene as a micro coating on a chip or in a battery is expensive, extensive, processes but is showin... 
Recommend Affordable Integrated Amps (Solid State or Tube)
+1 for Rogue. I have a Rogue, Cronus Magnum II and am most happy with it’s sound and performance. It also has a very decent phono section and is made in USA. /https://headphone.guru/rogue-cronus-magnum-11-the-integrated-sensation/Jim 
Beware of new material claims - the case of graphene
China can’t seem to get dog food right, I don’t think I’d put much trust in their Graphene......Jim 
Beware of new material claims - the case of graphene
Actually geoff, twas not guidocorona refering to Total Contact's claim of their product being a superconductor:@fleschler  Total Contact uses graphene; however, it has a proprietary other product in it that allows it to be a super conductor per t... 
Beware of new material claims - the case of graphene
@geofkait....You’re welcome!........ :-)  
Beware of new material claims - the case of graphene
I think I'll save my $$$ and stick with copper or silver and a good tight connection and pass on all the Graphene hype. As far as Graphene infused speaker diaphrams, well, I won't go there...Jim 
Horns: Why don't they image well?
Going back to the late 70s, early 80s, I took every opportunity to audition as many audio components and speakers as possible. What struck me about the big horns like the Klipsch K Horns and the big Altec Lansing horns, was heir large full sound. ... 
No one actually knows how to lculate what speaker cable they need
Can't believe that anyone could really buy into this preposterous notion. Thanks morg111!  Back to reality, once more:http://www.roger-russell.com/wire/wire.htmOn the other hand, I'm sure glad to be using one of those low DF tube amps and can forg...