

Responses from jfrech

Need good Component Video Cables
I'm using the transparent cable it's great! What is likly happening is someone removed part of the connector to peek on the inside. There is a warning in the box that says this messes up the grounding sceme. That will cause your ghost image. (umm.... 
Deleterious effects of bridging ??
IMHO, I'm not sure the NAD advice is correct above. If the 370 and 270 offer the same output power you should be ok and better off. I can't offer anyting re: Parasound vs NAD. 
Very good DAC with volume control output
Wadia 27ix is one of the best. Class A+ in Stereophile. 
Your vote - BEST CD PLAYER in the world??
I think you missed one. The Muse 9 signature. List price 4250. Fully balanced, DVD's too!, best at recreating the air around the instruments on the soundstage. Awesome detail. 
Power Cord Preferances
#1, Oh my, yes they do!!! Usually the front end equipment first, cd or preamp then amp. Very system dependent on what's best for you. Try Transparent, Electraglide, Powersnakes. All great but vary in sound character. 
XLR for BAT VK-3i and VK-200?
What speakers do you have, Cardas Nuetral Ref or Golden ref is a great choice...I used to have your bat equip, now 50se and vk60. 
Is my Salesman telling the Truth?
You guessed right. I have owned both Tara and Cardas. Both are good but different. Now I have Transparent Ref on non biwireable speakers. I love the trans wire. Finally, I'm in sales, are most are ethical. So please don't assume otherwise! 
Sound deadening material behind painting
Yes, I have done this behind my couch. You can use some cheap foam from a hardware store to get an idea, the use something like sonex to hit the right frequencies when you are ready to do it... 
best cool looking exposed tube for 2500
Bat VK60...several here for around 2500 +/-. I own one. Great amp! 
Best efficient Line Conditioner UNDER 1K
Take a look at the Cinepro AC balancer 20 amp. Under 1K used... 
BAT VK-5i or VK30 ??
The absolute sound has a review of the vk30se in the current issue. I have a vk50se, wow. Stereophile did a review of the VK50se and in it compared the 5i to the 50se. It was about a year ago, and if my memory serves me right, they said the 5i was... 
Help re: DVD coax out
I'd try it, it might be better than your "cheapo" dvd dacs built in...can't hurt... 
What s your latest buy? Happy with it?
My last purchase is a Muse Model 9 sig dvd/cd player. Replaced my Wadia 850 and a Marantz 7000 dvd. Bought is new for a great price. Awesome step up... 
Integrated Amps: How Good?
Darn good. Check out the soundstage.com review of the 383... 
Stereophile lists? Where can I find them
The current issue (April) has the lastest list. Try their website www.stereophile.com. Not sure if it's there...