

Responses from jfrech

muse 9 to Signature upgrade, worth it?
Ultimate Audio Magazine raved about the update. I bought a 9 sig...love it compared to my old Wadia 850. 
echo buster experience
I haven't tried echo busters, but I do have ASC tube traps. Big difference in my room. You should try some and see 1st... 
buyers/sellers that DEFAULT on contract
Depends what you mean by "default." If you shipped the equipment and no check, or didn't clear, and he/she kept the merchadise, then I'd go to court as well. If they just agreed to a deal and backed out with out any financial consequence on your e... 
30 runs of balanced interconnect
I running 20ft balanced runs. With your level of equip it not a problem. I'm using transparent cable, big difference from cardas. Can't say if it's the boxes or something else... 
CD/DVD transport VS. CD only transport
Hi, I have a Muse 9 sig. Replace my Wadia 850 and Marantz DVD. It's awesome. Money very well spent on my part. That's exactly the reason I went with the Muse, serious about 2 channel audio. 
Warm sounding ss power amps
You might like a BAT VK200 or VK500 depending on power needs. I wouldnb't classify them as overly warm, but definately have weight and body. John 
Mix of RCA Balanced Cables. Is it ok?
No, I don't think so. I have a BAT VK50SE and a BAT VK60. I have balanced from my CD and analog sources, but RCA from SAT and DVD. They sound fine. The balanced does help, if the components are truly balanced. Stick with balanced where you can, bu... 
PC s and/or conditioners etc for BAT
I have a VK50SE, VKP5, and VK 60. I use a Cinepro ac balancer, plus various electraglide cords. I have a fatboy 2000 on the preamp-big difference. Standard glides on amp and phono. That helped too. The Cinepro made a big difference on dynamics and... 
Need SS preamp that sounds like tube .
Since your Bryston and Meridian equipment is balanced, take a look at the Bat Preamps. They have SS and tubes. The tubes should last years...why not stick with tubes? The BAT VK50Se is one of the best preamps around, you can get them for just over... 
Sony VW10HT Projector
I have one. It took a month for my dealer to ceiling mount it. In the interim, it was on a coffee table, 12' back. You'll have some keystoning, but the correction will take care of it...it works pretty good. Mine is about 14 feet away and I have i... 
Need help: soundstage?
Look at Immediasound.com. They have a different perspective on setup. Might do wonders. I've tried both and liked Immedia's better...with 2 different speakers.. 
Best Pre-amp under 5000
Try the Bat vk50se. Used right around 5k. One of the best preamp out there, period. 
Is Wadia back?
They were bought. The website is updated...wadia.com 
Amp for Thiel CS6
Your are going to need high power and high quality. Some thoughts are Classe, Mark Levinson, the Bat VK500 etc... 
Tired of SS amp.
With your Wadia and your Dunlavy's, another good match is the bat VK60 monos or the new VK150 monoblocks.